Genocide in the Congo/Zaire exposes incredible and horrific atrocities taking place in the heart of Africa, in the Congo/Zaire, a country that is as big as all of Western Europe or the United States East of the Mississippi River. The World, though, is silent over 1.7 million deaths, a number larger that the Rwandan genocide in 1994. Why the silence? How come the American mainstream media has not raised hell or demanded action? Is this a repeat of the 1960s when the American Government and its CIA engaged in covert operations to kill foreign heads of states and destabilize foreign governments that they did not like? What is happening in the Congo comes close to that. The 1.7 million Congolese have died with the financial, military and political blessings and help of the US Government, Western Europe (The Paris Club), and the mining Conglomerates. Who own the media outlets? Who finance the politicians campaigns? This book exposes, both in words and pictures, the genocide and humanitarian misery being directed by President Clinton, Europe and the companies that are enriching themselves over Congos mineral wealth. Because President Kabila of the Congo wants a fair deal for the wealth of his country, Clinton and the West dont like him. So he must be removed, like it was done to Patrice Lumumba in the 60s. In this process, already 1.7 million Congolese have died. Would genocide, rape, and mutilations of the Congolese be President Clintons Congo Legacy?