
Israel does what it does; it was always planned this way [Alastair Crooke – Strategic Culture Foundation, 10.14.2024]

With the assassination of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah and a number of the Hizbullah senior leadership in Beirut – expressly without prior warning being given to the Pentagon –…

The Fall of Israel [Scott Ritter – Consortium News, 10.08.2024]

A year ago, Israel was sitting in the catbird seat. Today, it stares into the face of its demise. I have previously written about Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel,…

Good morning Italy, it’s BlackRock here [Lorenzo Maria Pacini – Strategic Culture Foundation, 10.08.2024]

Today a new master is added to the plebiscitary oligarchy of Italy’s slavers: BlackRock. Giorgia Meloni’s leadership is bringing great joy to Italians: unrestrained immigration, taxes and excise…

Bibi Will Bomb Iran. Or Maybe Not [Mike Whitney – The Unz Review, 10.06.2024]

The long-pervasive belief in American military supremacy is a myth; a mirage; a fallacious narrative fashioned from fables and Hollywood films. The US military has not won a war…

The Middle East After Nasrallah [As`ad AbuKhalil – Consortium News, 09.30.2024]

The author looks back on the slain Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, on the times he interviewed him and the impact on the region of his killing. There is…

Is European Parliament a war council? [Lorenzo Maria Pacini – Strategic Culture Foundation, 09.25.2024]

While the rest of the world builds a multi-polar future and tries to promote a lasting, respectful and cooperative peace, in Europe, Parliament is babbling about war. The…

If You Remember This Man, Your Faith in Peace Will Never Die [Bharat Dogra – Asia-Pacific Research, 09.23.2024]

These are difficult times for those who believe firmly in creating a world based on peace. Every day the world appears to be drifting more and more towards…

72 Minutes – Last weekend, the world came very close to nuclear war [Scott Ritter – Consortium News, 09.19.2024]

Most Americans approached last weekend thinking about how they would spend the much-anticipated end of the work week with their friends and family. Few realize how close they…

Where Was Amnesty International During the Genocide in Gaza? [Paul de Rooij – The Unz Review, 09.11.2024]

Israel is genociding the Palestinians one neighborhood at the time, one hospital at the time, one school at the time, one refugee camp at the time, one ‘safe…

Closing hatches before rains founder the Western Vessel [Alastair Crooke – Strategic Culture Foundation, 09.16.2024]

The war is lost, and the struggle to keep the ‘enforced pretending’ going is breaking through, to be seen by all as a false reality. Israel is entering…

Alleged would-be Trump assassin recruited for Ukraine’s International Legion [Max Blumenthal – The Grayzone, 09.15.2024]

Before he was caught with an AK-47 on a golf course near Trump, Ryan Routh went to Kiev to fight for Ukraine’s military and recruit for its International…

Israeli torture chambers aren’t new. They are what provoked the violence of Oct 7 [Jonathan Cook, 09.07.2024]

If you can’t see the causal link between the Israeli abuse of generations of Palestinians and Hamas’ crimes, then you have no insight into human nature. You don’t…

Neoliberalism: the antechamber of fascism! [Hugo Dionísio – Strategic Culture Foundation, 09.06.2024]

This is what lies behind the German elections, Hugo Dionísio writes. The elections in Thuringia and Saxony, seen as a referendum on the Scholz/Baerbock government and a foretaste…

The End of Western Pluralist Democracy [Craig Murray, 09.01.2024]

No major western leader is ever again going to be able to speak about human rights or ethical values, without attracting howls of derision. They are turning on…

Historic US-Russia prisoner swap exposes CIA support for Chechen jihad [Kit Klarenberg – The Grayzone, 08.05.2024]

Western media focused intently on a Russian “murderer” released in the exchange with Washington, but whitewashed the record of his target – a Chechen militant now confirmed as…

Xi schools Sullivan; Durov taken hostage [Pepe Escobar – Strategic Culture Foundation, 08.31.2024]

From Trump to Crash Test Dummy, Hegemon’s “policies” have managed quite a feat. It must have taken eons of Taoist patience for President Xi Jinping to tell a…

Israel’s Plan for Gaza Comes Into View [Mike Whitney – The Unz Review, 08.28.2024]

Unit 601 of the IDF’s Combat Engineering Corps is clearing a vast swath of land across central Gaza splitting the 25-mile-long territory into two parts. The so-called Netzarim…

The western way of war – Owning the narrative trumps reality [Alastair Crooke – Strategic Culture Foundation, 08.26.2024]

German equipment visible in Kursk has raised old ghosts, and consolidated awareness of the hostile western intentions toward Russia. “Never again” is the unspoken riposte. War propaganda and…

Canada At War [Christopher Black – New Eastern Outlook, 08.20.2024]

On the evening of August 11, my companion and I were watching a Russian series about World War Two, Staying Alive, dealing with the first days of the…

The Satanic Nature of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki [Edward Curtin, 08.06.2024]

This article is from my last book, Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.(Nov., 2020). Although it was written in 2018, it still seems appropriate on this anniversary of…

The Relative Value of Life and Death [Craig Murray, 07.29.2024]

The cause of the tragic Druze deaths in Majdal Shams was the illegal Israeli occupation in Syria, a fact which the residents of the town are clear about….

Only a failing US empire would be so blind as to cheer Netanyahu and his genocide [Jonathan Cook – Middle East Eye, 07.26.2024]

Every empire falls. Its collapse becomes inevitable once its rulers lose all sense of how absurd and abhorrent they have become There is only one country in the…

Von der Leyen’s legacy [Hugo Dionísio – Strategic Culture Foundation, 07.26.2024]

A European Union that has not only given up, but is using its own people. This is the legacy of Ursula von der Leyen and all those who…

Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one hidden from western publics [Jonathan Cook – Middle East Eye, 07.19.2024]

Women and children are being targeted intentionally, say Israeli whistleblowers. From ground troops to commanders, the rules of war have been shredded. They just keep coming. On the…

The Bullets Of An Assassin [Christopher Black – New Eastern Outloook, 17.07.2024]

The bullets of an assassin shook the world on Saturday, July 13.  Dark forces are at play that want the war against Russia to continue, and they are…

Assassination and Trump’s Mentality [Craig Murray, 07.15.2024]

Six months ago I said to a well-known public figure that the US intelligence agencies had destroyed Trump’s first Presidency and that, in a second chance, he would…

Europeans are prisoners of the Western political “center” [Hugo Dionísio – Strategic Culture Foundation, 07.11.2024]

By crystallizing into a monolithic, increasingly obsolete center, liberal “democracy” announces its death, Hugo Dionísio writes. The last few weeks constitute a deeply enlightening chapter regarding the explanatory…

Starmer’s Red Button: Labour’s Long Addiction to Nuclear Weapons [Richard Norton-Taylor – Declassified UK, 07.05.2024] 

The prime minister now controls an arsenal capable of killing millions of people. History suggests it should be scrapped. One of the first tasks confronting a new prime…

Will Putin Attack Poland & the Baltics? [Ray McGovern – Consortium News, 07.02.2024]

Given their lack of information about the Ukraine-Russia deal scuttled by Boris Johnson early in the war, many Americans will be inclined to believe Biden’s evidence-free claims in last week’s CNN…

Julian Assange: Freedom this time, no thanks to the media [Jonathan Cook – Declassified UK, 06.26.2024]

It was the media, led by the Guardian, that kept Assange behind bars. Their villainy will soon be erased because they write the script about what’s going on…

Secret Treaties — War and Peace [Christopher Black – New Eastern Outlook, 06.26.2024]

The absurdity of the meeting in Switzerland organised by the USA and the other aggressive nations intent on war with Russia, the fact that it was not a…

Putin’s “war” to re-shape the American Zeitgeist [Alastair Crooke – Strategic Culture Foundation, 06.24.2024]

It is only by understanding and taking the Russian nuclear warnings seriously that we may exclude the risk of nuclear weapons coming into play. The G7 and the…

It’s the end of the world as we know it [Scott Ritter, 06.21.2024]

The American-NATO rush toward nuclear war with Russia America’s addiction to nuclear weapons does not lend itself to deterrence-based stability. It only leads to war. “That’s great, it…

Acting As If It Weren’t Really So [Edward J. Curtin, 06.14.2024]

Laughing on the bus/Playing Games with the faces/She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy/I said, “Be careful his bowtie is really a camera” – America by…

Academia is only as free as powerful donors allow it to be [Jonathan Cook, 06.07.2024]

Two prestigious law reviews censor Palestinian scholar for proposing a legal framework that ties the Gaza genocide to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948. Anyone who imagines…

Supporting genocide to halt multipolarity [Pepe Escobar – The Cradle, 06.05.2024]

The Hegemon is calculating for a World War to halt multipolarity. It supports Israel’s Gaza genocide as a necessary evil to win hard in West Asia, figuring who’s…

What Awaits Julian Assange After the May 20 Appeal Hearing? [Karen Sharpe – Global Research, 05.29.2024]

On May 20, British High Court judges Dame Victoria Sharp and Justice Jeremy Johnson ruled that Julian Assange could be granted an appeal against his extradition to the U.S. where he faces 175 years in…

Raisi led the charge for Russia–Iran–China’s ‘new world order’ [Pepe Escobar – The Cradle, 05.22.2024]

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s eastward vision was instrumental in advancing the strategic Moscow–Tehran–Beijing nexus and bulldozing a path toward institutionalizing multipolarity. Amidst all the sadness and grief over…

Israeli Scholar Sees Hope for Democratic Palestine ‘To Replace This Apartheid State’ [Edward Carver – Common Dreams, 05.21.2024]

“We are seeing… important processes that are leading to the collapse of the Zionist project,” said Ilan Pappé, following his interrogation in the U.S. Israeli historian Ilan Pappé,…

Indeed, there is no comparison: Israel’s crimes are far worse than Hamas’ [Jonathan Cook, 05.21.2024]

Benjamin Netanyahu is right to dismiss as “absurd and false” the suggestion that there is any equivalence in the atrocities committed by the two sides. Here’s why There…

Russia & China — Two Against One [Ray McGovern – Consortium News, 05.17.2024]

Xi Jinping’s reception of Putin yesterday in Beijing sealed the increasingly formidable strategic relationship, fundamentally misunderstood in Washington Chinese President Xi Jinping’s extremely warm reception of President Vladimir…

The Heroism of David McBride [John Kiriakou – Consortium News, 05.16.2024]

By 2014 McBride had compiled a dossier into profound command failings that saw examples of potential war crimes in Afghanistan overlooked and other soldiers wrongly accused. On Tuesday…

Britain At War-The Final Warning [Christopher Black – New Eastern Outlook, 05.11.2024]

On May 26, 2023, I wrote an article titled, Britain At War-Provoking the Consequences, attempting to warn the people of Britain and the West that their role in the war…

Being an U.S. “ally” means silently watching your own destruction [Hugo Dionísio – Strategic Culture Foundation, 05.08.2024]

Being an “ally” with the USA does not guarantee immunity against economic interference, subversion and sabotage, quite the opposite. The Chinese foreign minister, Wang Yi, once said that…

The Hidden Messages of the Power Elite’s Cultural Apparatus [Edward J. Curtin Jr., 05.02.2024]

To be crucified is to suffer and die slowly and agonizingly.  It was a common form of execution in the ancient world.  It is generally associated with Rome’s…

“Have You No Sense of Decency?” [Michael Hudson – The Unz Review, 04.28.2024]

The recent Congressional hearings leading to a bloodbath of university presidents brings back memories from my teen-age years in the 1950s when everyone’s eyes were glued to the…

How an ‘antisemitism hoax’ drowned out the discovery of mass graves in Gaza [Jonathan Cook – Middle East Eye, 04.26.2024]

In confecting a media row about the policing of London marches against genocide, the Israel lobby knew it would score a victory, whatever happened A gruesome discovery was…

Washington Moves On to Plan B [Mike Whitney – The Unz Review, 04.26.2024]

Here’s what everyone needs to understand about Ukraine: The United States has already moved on to Plan B. No, the Biden administration has not issued an official statement on…

Will Zionism self-destruct? [Alastair Crooke – Strategic Culture Foundation, 04.22.2024]

Israel’s strategy from past decades will continue with its hope of achieving some Chimeric transformative “de-radicalisation” of Palestinians that will make ‘Israel safe’ (This paper is the basis…

The Truth About the Destruction of Gaza [Michael Hudson – The Unz Review, 04.14.2024]

ANIA: Hello, everyone. Welcome back to my channel. Today I have with me for the fourth time, I’m still counting, a very, very special guest, one of the best…