
Categoria: Putsches of marketsPage 1 of 2

Being an U.S. “ally” means silently watching your own destruction [Hugo Dionísio – Strategic Culture Foundation, 05.08.2024]

Being an “ally” with the USA does not guarantee immunity against economic interference, subversion and sabotage, quite the opposite. The Chinese foreign minister, Wang Yi, once said that…

Egypt Sells Out Palestinians for $10 Billion Loan Package [Mike Whitney – The Unz Review, 02.26.2024]

Despite public protestations, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is helping Israel transfer 1.4 million Palestinians from Rafah to tent cities in the Sinai Desert On Saturday, western news…

Davos Is a Living Fossil of an Empire at War With Itself and the World [Hugo Dionísio – Strategic Culture Foundation, 01.29.2024]

The World Economic Forum gives us the exceptional privilege of a study that only living fossils can give The World Economic Forum gives us the exceptional privilege of…

The Mackinder Strategic ‘Bible’ Reconsidered [Alastair Crooke – Strategic Culture Foundation, 09.11.2023]

It is so long since Brzezinski originally formulated the Mackinder notion, that classical diplomacy has become etiolated. In 1997, Zbig Brzezinski, the original ‘driver’ behind the making of…

BRICS digital currencies could end SWIFT and dollar dominance [Ahmed Adel – InfoBrics, 08.04.2023]

The growing favouritism towards central bank digital currencies, such as the Russian digital ruble, launched on August 1, is underpinned by the great potential to create a new,…

The One Chart That Explains Everything [Mike Whitney – The Unz Review, 07.12.2023]

Look carefully at the chart above. What do you see? You see the development of a high-speed rail system that is unrivaled anywhere on earth. You see the actualization…

America Has Just Destroyed a Great Empire [Michael Hudson – The Unz Review, 06.29.2023]

Herodotus (History, Book 1.53) tells the story of Croesus, king of Lydia c. 585-546 BC in what is now Western Turkey and the Ionian shore of the Mediterranean….

The WHO’s New Partnership With The Rockefeller Foundation: Birds Of A Feather Sticking Together [Paul Anthony Taylor – Dr. Rath Health Foundation, 06.02.2023]

A recent press release announces a new partnership between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the multibillion-dollar Rockefeller Foundation. Stating that the aim is to strengthen the WHO’s so-called ‘Hub…

Banking Crisis 2023: Deep Origins and Future Directions [Jack Rasmus, 03.20.2023]

It’s been a week since the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank, the 16th largest bank in the US at the time of its collapse and reportedly a…

The US Has the World Setup for a Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008 [Paul Craig Roberts, 03.19.2023]

Interview of Paul Craig Roberts by the Russian Geopolitical institute GEOFOR. There are two main avenues to a potential US financial crisis.  Such a crisis, because of US financial…

Call for an International Emergency Conference to Reorganize the Bankrupt Financial System [Helga Zepp-LaRouche – EIR, 03.14.2023]

The tremors in the financial system felt around the world triggered by the run on Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) in the United States, its subsequent closure and being…

Showdown in Ukraine: Hobbled US Turns to War to Preserve its Waning Primacy [Mike Whitney – The Unz Review, 02.26.2023]

The future of humanity will be decided on a battlefield in Ukraine. That’s no exaggeration. The conflict between the United States and Russia will determine whether global economic integration…

Will U.S. ‘Interests’ Become Sacrificed on Altar of New Indo-Pacific Strategy? [Matthew Ehret – Strategic Culture Foundation, 02.04.2023]

The Anglo-American foreign policy hawks imagine that the world is yearning to be liberated from Beijing’s nefarious agenda to end poverty As the trans-Atlantic world is pulled into…

Propping up the wobbly dollar [Emanuel Pastreich – Fear No Evil, 02.04.2023]

Money is no mystery The Federal government gave up all pretensions that money is backed by the gold held at the Federal Reserve, or backed by anything concrete,…

Putin Attempting to Prevent a Repeat of the Clinton-Yeltsin Destruction of Russia [Kurt Nimmo, 12.15.2022]

Clinton was selected to be president precisely because he is a high-level psychopath able to usher neoliberal policies In September, former president Bill Clinton said Russia did not…

There is More to BlackRock Than You Might Imagine [William Engdahl – New Eastern Outlook, 06.18.2021]

A virtually unregulated investment firm today exercises more political and financial influence than the Federal Reserve and most governments on this planet. The firm, BlackRock Inc., the world’s…

Systemic Shift [Eamon McKinney – Strategic Culture Foundation, 09.02.2022]

Soon enough it is probable that most countries, however reluctantly, may have to choose which of the two incompatible financial systems they want to align with. And one…

The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled [Eamon McKinney – Strategic Culture Foundation, 08.03.2022]

Anger is erupting around the world, and people have much to be angry about. Covid, famine, energy shortages, inflation. “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing…

Exclusive: Russia’s Sergey Glazyev introduces the new global financial system [Pepe Escobar – The Cradle, 04.14.2022]

The world’s new monetary system, underpinned by a digital currency, will be backed by a basket of new foreign currencies and natural resources. And it will liberate the…

Concentration of Power [Craig Murray, 12.06.2021]

Well, it is nice to be free again, though as I said on release, I shall never really feel free while Julian is still imprisoned and while Scotland…

Mark Carney and the Strategic Reality of the Collapsing Trans Atlantic System [Matthew Ehret – Matt Ehret’s Insights, 08.25.2021]

The uncomfortable fact which too many commentators tend to run away from out of fear, ignorance or intellectual dishonesty, is that the world financial system is sitting on…

Covid Recession Year One: Who Gained, Who Lost [Jack Rasmus, 08.12.2021]

We hear a lot lately about the US billionaires increasing their wealth by more than $1 trillion over the past year, as Covid precipitated the most severe recession…

Britain’s class war on children [John Pilger, 11.26.2020]

When I first reported on child poverty in Britain, I was struck by the faces of children I spoke to, especially the eyes. They were different: watchful, fearful….

Neglected, Sacrificed: Older Persons During the COVID19 Pandemic [Isabel Ortiz – Inter Press Service, 07.28.2020]

Failing to help those in most need COVID19 is devastating on older persons. The numbers are staggering, more than 80 percent of the fatalities due to coronavirus in…

What Lies Ahead [Jack Rasmus, 07.17.2020]

On July 6, 2020 I posted my extended view and analysis why the 3rd quarter US GDP would falter–and lead to a W-shape recovery, as it typical of…

The Great Reset Fraud [Matthew Ehret – Strategic Culture Foundation, 07.15.2020]

Like everyone, I would love to live in a pollution-free world. I would love to see human civilization strike a balance with nature and at the risk of…

IMF Conditionalities Contribute to Shortage of Health Workers [Lawrence Freeman – Africa and the World, 07.14.2020]

As I have told my friends for many years, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is incapable of helping nations grow their economies. I do not believe the IMF…

It’s Not Just Meat: Covid-19 Puts All Food-System Workers in Peril [Stan Cox – Literary Hub, 06.10.2020]

Stan Cox on Building a More Humane, Robust Way of Putting Food on the Table Covid-19 outbreaks are now reaching far beyond the meatpacking industry. Migrant farmworkers in fruit orchards…

WHO’s Conflict of Interest? [David Macilwain – American Herald Tribune, 06.30.2020]

Last week the French National Assembly convened an inquiry into the “genealogy and chronology”  of the Coronavirus crisis to examine the evident failures in its handling and will interview government…

Two Fictions of Mainstream Economics [Jack Rasmus, 05.24.2020]

Mainstream economics consistently fails to predict the future. I’m talking about those ‘schools’ of mis-thought, ranging from Paul Krugman on the ‘left’ to Glenn Hubbard and other apologists…

A Cautionary Tale About the WHO [Larry Romanoff – Moon of Shanghai, 05.10.2020]

There appears to be no shortage of claims from multiple informed and independent sources that the WHO has two primary functions, the first as a tool for world…

The Myth of V-Shape Economic Recovery [Jack Rasmus, 04.29.2020]

The spin is in! Trump administration economic ‘message bearers’, Steve Mnuchin, US Treasury Secretary, and Kevin Hasset, senior economic adviser to Trump, this past Sunday on the Washington…

The Self-Centered Rich Country Response to Pandemics and Crises is Wrecking Poor Countries [Tamara Pearsons – CounterPunch, 04.17.2020]

I’m squatting on a round piece of concrete, and a 72-year-old man is sitting in the gutter, his walking stick beside him. He tells me that after being…

An Economic Recovery Program – Theirs vs. Mine [Jack Rasmus, 03.15.2020]

The Coronavirus has been wrecking the US and global economies. While focus has been on addressing the biological devastation wrought by the virus, the economic devastation keeps growing….

Standing at the Precipice of a Financial Collapse: Time for a 21st Century Pecora Commission [Matthew Ehret – Strategic Culture Foundation, 03.16.2020]

As Republican and democrat politicians hold emergency meetings to decide how to avoid a meltdown of Wall Street, the smell of hyperinflation looms in the air as much…

Argentina: Facing Another Debt Crisis [Eric Toussaint and Renaud Vivien – CADTM, 12.18.2019]

Let us remember that when Macri started his mandate in December 2015 he accepted all the injunctions formulated by a New York magistrate, who had ruled in the…

China’s Yuan Breaks the 7 to $1 Band–The Global Currency War Has Begun [Jack Rasmus, 08.05.2019]

Over this weekend, China’s Yuan currency broke out of its band and devalued to more than 7 to $1. At the same time China announced it would not…

Is Baoshang Bank China’s Lehman Brothers? [F. William Engdahl – New Eastern Outlook, 07.07.2019]

Modern fractional reserve banking is ultimately a confidence game. If lenders or depositors are confident their bank is solvent, it stands. If confidence is broken, that historically leads…

Is Deutsche Bank the Next ‘Lehman Brothers’? [Jack Rasmus, 07.05.2019]

Europe’s biggest investment bank, Deutschebank, is in big trouble. This Sunday it will announce a major restructuring. It’s also a harbinger of a bigger problem with European banks…

The Capitulation of Jerome Powell & the Fed [Jack Rasmus, 03.22.2019]

This past week, on March 20, 2019, Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell announced the US central bank would not raise interest rates in 2019. The Fed’s benchmark rate,…

Financial Imperialism-The Case of Venezuela [Jack Rasmus, 02.28.2019]

Invasion of Venezuela by US and its proxies is just around the corner! This past week vice-president Pence flew to Colombia once again—for the fifth time in recent…

In Greece, the Globalists Take It All – Life, Liberty, God, and the Future [Phil Butler – New Eastern Outlook, 11.11.2018]

The big push is on to convert Greece into a bastion of liberal democracy and godlessness. At least this is what the latest news from Athens presages. Prime…

Only African Resources, Not Migrants, Are Welcomed Into Western Countries [Yasin Kakande – Truthout, 08.26.2018]

Amidst waves of anti-immigrant populism that have crashed into European politics, the focus of what drives migration demands more attention. In Africa, specifically, the unchecked exploitation of the…

Washington’s Silent Weapon for Not-so-quiet Wars [William Engdahl – New Eastern Outlook, 08.20.2018]

Today by far the deadliest weapon of mass destruction in Washington’s arsenal lies not with the Pentagon or its traditional killing machines. It’s de facto a silent weapon: the…

The IMF is back in Argentina: “an economic and social crisis, even more serious than the present one, looms large on the horizon” [Eric Toussaint and Sergio Ferrari – CADTM, 06.27.2018]

The vicious circle of illegitimate debt grapples the Argentine people once again IMF’s $ 50 billion loan surpasses Greece’s previous record Sergio Ferrari from Berne, Switzerland interviewed Eric…

How Long Can The Federal Reserve Stave Off the Inevitable? [Paul Craig Roberts, 26.06.18]

When are America’s global corporations and Wall Street going to sit down with President Trump and explain to him that his trade war is not with China but…

Real and Fake Threats to U.S. Vital Interests [Philip Giraldi – American Herald Tribune, 06.18.2018]

There has been considerable chatter inside the Washington Beltway about the meaning of President Donald Trump’s recent forays into international trade at the G-7 meeting in Canada and…

America is In a Debt Trap Death Spiral [F. William Engdahl – New Eastern Outlook, 06.02.2018]

The US economy and its financial structures have never recovered from the great financial meltdown of 2008 despite the passage of ten years. Little discussion has been given…

Fox in the Hen House: Why Interest Rates Are Rising [Ellen Brown–Truthdig, 04.20.2018]

The Fed is aggressively raising interest rates, although inflation is contained, private debt is already at 150% of GDP, and rising variable rates could push borrowers into insolvency….

Greece – Convenient Victim or Complacent Masochist? The Devastating Social Impacts of IMF-ECB-EC “Economic Medicine” [Peter Koenig-Global Research, 01.20.2018]

Why this title? – Because Greece doesn’t have to continue playing the card of the victim, nor being masochist. Greece seems to suffer under the Stockholm Syndrome –…