
Mes: November 2017

Rwandan Official Wanted by Spanish and French Justice Visits Canada [Pierre Claver Nkinamubanzi-Rwandan Congress of Canada, 17.11.17]

The Rwandan Congress of Canada wishes to draw the attention of the Canadian authorities, the media and the public on the visit to Canada of the Minister of…

Burundi Defies the Imperial Criminal Court, an Interview with John Philpot [Ann Garrison-Black Agenda Report, 11.15.2017]

“All the international criminal courts became propaganda tools for perpetuating Western domination of Africa by demonizing any African leaders who dare to raise an independent head or take…

Thank You, Ed Herman [Diana Johnstone-Counterpunch, 11.15.2017]

Edward S. Herman died on November 11, 2017, at the age of 92.  Fortunately, it was a peaceful death for a supremely peaceful man.  In all he did,…

Press Release by the Embassy of Burundi in The Hague on the authorisation to open an investigation regarding the situation in Burundi by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court [11.10.2017]

The Embassy of the Republic of Burundi (Ambassador Vestine NAHIMANA, see archive image) in The Hague expresses its profound dissatisfaction and regret, following the information it received through…

A Totalitarian Europe Now on Our Doorstep [Julian Rose-Global Research, 11.09.2017]

Quietly, without most people noticing, the European Commission is moving ahead with a strategy that will arguably make the EU into the first fully operational model of a…

Europe Threw Catalonia Under the Bus [Stephen Lendman, 11.07.2017]

Millions of pro-independence Catalans are on their own. Europe turned its back on them, violating fundamental international law, affirming the right of self-determination for all people. Separatist officials…