
Mes: October 2019

Assange in Court [Craig Murray, 10.22.2019]

UPDATE I have received scores of requests to republish and/or translate this article. It is absolutely free to use and reproduce and I should be delighted if everybody…

Vindictive sentence in Catalan leaders’ trial unleashes tsunami of protest [Dick Nichols – Green Left Weekly, 10.18.2019]

The gap between the 75%–80% of Catalans who uphold their country’s right to self-determination, and the Spanish elites and parts of Spanish society that do not want to…

Weep for Catalonia, Weep for Liberalism in Europe [Craig Murray, 10.14.2019]

The vicious jail sentences handed down today by the fascists (I used the word with care and correctly) of the Spanish Supreme Court to the Catalan political prisoners…