
Mes: August 2024

The western way of war – Owning the narrative trumps reality [Alastair Crooke – Strategic Culture Foundation, 08.26.2024]

German equipment visible in Kursk has raised old ghosts, and consolidated awareness of the hostile western intentions toward Russia. “Never again” is the unspoken riposte. War propaganda and…

Canada At War [Christopher Black – New Eastern Outlook, 08.20.2024]

On the evening of August 11, my companion and I were watching a Russian series about World War Two, Staying Alive, dealing with the first days of the…

The Satanic Nature of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki [Edward Curtin, 08.06.2024]

This article is from my last book, Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.(Nov., 2020). Although it was written in 2018, it still seems appropriate on this anniversary of…