In profound concern for the tragedy that continues to affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of African brothers and sisters, we have sent an urgent appeal to the governments of the world, in particular to those of the United States and the European Union, urging them to intervene immediately for the prevention of further massacres and to secure a stable peace in this region (05-11-1996).
Nineteen Nobel Prize Laureates, including eleven winners of the Peace Prize, gave their full support to the ‘Walk for Peace in the Countries of the African Great Lakes’, to its goals and requests. This initiative also has the support of many well-known personalities and organizations.
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
Elie Wiesel
Joseph Rotblat
Oscar Arias
Mairead Corrigan Maguire
Rigoberta Menchu
Mons. Desmond Tutu
Mikhail Gorbachev
His.Holiness the. Dalai Lama
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Betty Williams
John Charles Polanyi (Chemistry)
Rita Levi-Montalcini (Medicine)
Jean-Marie Lehn (Chemistry)
Christian de Duve (Medicine)
Jean Dausset (Medicine)
Kenneth J. Arrow (Economy)
François Jacob (Medicine)
Nadine Gordiner (Literature)
Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Argentina
Pax Romana, MIIC, Friburgo
Dialogue et Coopération, Paris
Organisation Mondiale contre la torture, Geneva
Centro Studi e Formazione Diritti Humani de la Universidad de Padua
Pro Civitate Christiana, Assisi
Lega per i Diritti dei Popoli, Sandro Sessa, Milán
Prof. Antonio Papisca, Padua
Mons. Luigi Bettazzi, Bishop of Ivrea
Mrs. Catherine Lalumière, President of the European Radical Alliance
Beati i Costruttori di Pace, Padua
Rete Radié Resch, Quarrata
Mr. Alonso J. Puerta, President of the European United Left
Pax Christi Internacional, Etienne de Jonghe. International Secretary, Brussels
Mani Tese, Milán
Federación Catalana of NGOs (60)
Fondazione Emmanuel per il Sud del Mondo, Lecce
Groupe Accueil et Solidarité, Paris
Sen Stefano Boco, Vicepresident of the Senate Commission for External Affairs, Rome
P. Pierre Gelot, Provincial Pavionistas de Francia
Pax Christi Ivrea
GAVCI – Gruppo Autonomo di Volontario Civile, Bolonia
Comune di Quarrata, Pistoia
P. Hyacinthe Vulliez, Annecy
Piccole Sorelle di Gesú, Rome
Comune di Parma
Associazioni Forum Solidarietà (89 NGOs), Parma
Dom Helder Camara. Obras de Frei Francisco, Brasil
Associazione Overseas, Módena
Cooperativa Sociale Oltremare – Bottega del Mondo, Módena
C.P.A.C. (8 NGOs), Mallorca
Plataforma Paz y Derechos Humanos en la Región de los Grandes Lagos Africanos, Mallorca (amongst others: Universitad de las Illes Baleares y el Fons Mallorquí de Solidaritat y Cooperació)
Gruppo Missionario Parrocchiale Sacra Famiglia, Piacenza
Arci, Piacenza
Caritas Diocesana, Piacenza-Bobbio
Casa delle Associazioni, Piacenza
Associazione la Casa Africana, Piacenza
Associazione la Pecora Negra, Piacenza
Miguel Angel Estrella
Pere Casaldaliga
(Up to the 30th of December, 1996)