
Mes: July 2019

SOS Rwanda: Another FDU-Inkingi member, Eugene Ndereyimana, disappears mysteriously [FDU-Inkingi, 15.07.2019] 

Today around 15 July 2019 around Midday, Mr Eugene Ndereyimana, disappeared mysteriously on his way to Nyagatare, Eastern Province, to meet prospective members of FDU-Inkingi. This is part…

Too Many Africans? [Stephen Corry – Counterpunch, 07.11.2019]

“What are all these famines in Ethiopia? What are they about? They’re about too many people for too little land. That’s what it’s about.” – Sir David Attenborough[1] David…

Is Baoshang Bank China’s Lehman Brothers? [F. William Engdahl – New Eastern Outlook, 07.07.2019]

Modern fractional reserve banking is ultimately a confidence game. If lenders or depositors are confident their bank is solvent, it stands. If confidence is broken, that historically leads…

Is Deutsche Bank the Next ‘Lehman Brothers’? [Jack Rasmus, 07.05.2019]

Europe’s biggest investment bank, Deutschebank, is in big trouble. This Sunday it will announce a major restructuring. It’s also a harbinger of a bigger problem with European banks…

Brazil’s Government to Criminally Investigate Journalist Glenn Greenwald [Eoin Higgins – Activist Post, 07.04.2019]

The Brazilian government is targeting one of its biggest critics, journalist Glenn Greenwald, in a move that has been decried by observers as an intimidation tactic designed to…