
Mes: December 2017

Jesus Was Born In A Police State [John W. Whitehead-The Rutherford Institute, 12.18.2017]

The Christmas narrative of a baby born in a manger is a familiar one. The Roman Empire, a police state in its own right, had ordered that a…

How will US Jerusalem move affect Israel’s far right? [Jonathan Cook-Al Jazeera, 12.10.2017]

Donald Trump’s recognition this week of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, overturning seven decades of US policy in the region and effectively ending hopes of a two-state solution, has…

Trafficking in Desperate Black Africans: Israel, Rwanda, and Libya [Bénédicte Kumbi Ndjoko and Ann Garrison-Global Research, 12.06.2017]

On November 14 CNN shocked the world with its video news report of Black African migrants being sold into slavery in Libya. Eight days later the Rwandan government…

Plunder Capitalism [Paul Craig Roberts, 12.04.2017]

I deplore the tax cut that has passed Congress. It is not an economic policy tax cut, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with supply-side economics. The…

Jean-Claude Juncker and the catalan crisis [Matthew Parish, 04.12.17]

In politics, it is usual that things are not as they first appear. A dispute about the constitutional status of a region of Spain may transpire to have…