
Etiqueta: Pere Sampol

Washington Moves On to Plan B [Mike Whitney – The Unz Review, 04.26.2024]

Here’s what everyone needs to understand about Ukraine: The United States has already moved on to Plan B. No, the Biden administration has not issued an official statement on…

Presentation of the book The Five Higher Principles [Joan Carrero, 05.21.2015]

In order to set the context for the book that we are presenting today, The five higher principles: How to humanity’s great transformation back on track, I will…

Spanish elites have never wanted to respect the will to be of the Catalans (Pere Sampol)

Spanish elites have never wanted to respect the will to be of the Catalans. They consider that Catalonia is not Spain, but belongs to Spain, as the Valencian…

Letter from Senator Pere Sampol to the U.N. Secretary-General (12.15.2009)

By leaks to the media of the Spanish State, I learned of the report that a Group of Experts established by Security Council resolution of the United Nations….

Senator Pere Sampol’s question to spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos on July 20 2010

Mr. Foreign Minister, I would like to start out by extending my congratulations to the President of the Government for not having met with Kagame, the most bloodthirsty…