1) The African continent, surely like no other, is the great forgotten one, forgotten by all those progressive forces of the international community that are trying to banish barbarity, hunger and misery from the face of the earth. But at the same time, for centuries it has been the object of greedy ‘attention’ and plunder on the part of the governments and great economic interests of the civilised North, fundamentally of the Europeans. The latest global political changes, which have converted the United States into the great dominant world power, have also had their repercussion in this continent. A few years ago it began to be clear that from now on nothing would happen here without the blessing of the US government and of the great multinational corporations within its orbit.

2) Nevertheless, this new stage has not signified the beginning of an African ‘spring’ in the framework of a supposedly new international order, but rather a kind of neo-colonisation. Fundamentally it doesn’t appear to be providing an answer to the crucial problems of Africa, so much as massively exploiting its resources in the conditions most favourable to the great multinationals. A few years ago Ronald Brown, Secretary of State for Commerce, stated quite openly and with the most expressive and African image “for many years African business has been dominated by the Europeans, while North America only controlled 17% of this market. We are now determined to invert this situation and to take the lion’s share ourselves.”

3) It is not by chance that Mr. Brown made such a programmed statement in Uganda. This has been precisely the ‘beachhead’ on which the North American giant has made its ‘landing’ in Africa. Unfortunately this landing wasn’t watched as closely as that of Normandy. This small but strategic country shares a border with that other giant, old Zaire, a true prodigy in natural resources of every kind that occupies the very centre of this great continent. First Rwanda fell, then the democracy in Burundi and later Zaire itself. The important mining contracts already secured are beginning to pay the first dividends that will swell the poor 17% that Mr. Brown was bemoaning.

4) The economic objectives are therefore clear. But the real desolation is that the methods used to achieve them haven’t changed from those used for decades in Latin America. There are too many indicators of this. It seems that in Africa it is still possible to have, as allies, genocidalists more ferocious even than Pinochet, Videla, etc. without European and North American societies discovering what is really happening. Unconfessed alliances have had to be forged with small but powerful lobbies within the ethnic Tutsi minority, lobbies composed of unscrupulous human beings who know that, in order to retain their power in the region, they must eliminate all the leaders of the ethnic Hutus and keep the general public of this ethnic majority down to a ‘manageable’ number. They have also had to implement powerful campaigns in the media which, following the genocide of several hundreds of thousands of moderate Tutsis and Hutus in 1994, hide from public opinion another, much greater genocide of several million Hutus and justify the brutal apartheid which the survivors of this ethnic majority suffer. Three days before he was assassinated, like Monsignor Romero, Monsignor Munzihirwa, Jesuit Bishop of Bukavu had pleaded, “we ask the Tutsi lobbies who lead Rwanda and Burundi to stop organising the misinformation aimed at misleading international opinion”. For sure his sacrifice will not be in vain, but for the time being these extremist Tutsi lobbies have managed to pass off as genocidalists the great victims of this tragedy, the great majority of the people of Rwanda and Burundi. Once again a reduced minority manages, by the most perverse methods, to enslave the whole of a people, deceiving almost the whole world, by means of absolute control of all independent investigations relating to the field they dominate.

5) This entire project of conquering the resources and the markets of Africa received definite sanction in 1997 at the G-7 summit in Denver. The Congressional Black Caucus, a group of black representatives of the North American Congress, has described this summit as the ‘Second Berlin Conference’ in which the governments of the great powers, especially of the United States and France, appear to have agreed on a common policy, setting their differences aside.

6) Africa cannot wait any longer. The tragic events which are happening in the Great Lakes region, especially since 1990 when Rwanda was invaded by the FPR from Uganda, cannot solely nor principally be understood in terms of the ethnic factor, but rather in terms of conflicts of power within the framework of this neo-colonisation. We cannot allow these processes of death and desolation to continue their course. We are therefore calling on all those institutions, organisations and people who know or suspect the truth of what we have stated to support our effort to attain for this cause the Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2000. The resources poured into this macro project and the open wounds in the Great Lakes region are such that the realisation of truth, justice, democracy and reconciliation has become an almost impossible task. Only with the backing of the category of the Nobel Prize could a small glimmer of hope be glimpsed.


Every cause needs a face”. These were the words of Lewis Randa, Founder and Director of the Abbey of Peace when on the 2nd of last February he awarded Juan Carrero Saralegui with the ‘Courage of Conscience’ prize. He is the first Spaniard to receive this award from this organisation based in Sherbon, Massachusetts. Previous recipients are, amongst others: Ernesto Cardenal, Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Mons. Desmond Tutu, Daniel Berrigan, Paul Winter Consort, Helen Caldicott, Brian Willson, Rosa Parks, Ramsay Clark, Maya Angelou, Muhammed Ali, Rigoberta Menchu, Harry Wu, Mikhail Gorbachov, Patch Adams, Hugh Tomson, Sting, Jimmy Carter, Joan Baez, and Greenpeace. It has also been awarded posthumously to, amongst others, Anwar Sadat, Alva Myrdal, Mahatma Gandhi, John Ono Lennon, Oscar Romero, Dorothy Day, Robert Francis Kennedy and Martin Luther King, etc.

In his speech our candidate exclaimed, “I dare to beg of you in the name of truth and of whatever is noblest and most sacred in this life, in the name of the forefathers who made possible this great and beloved nation which is receiving me today and honouring me with this prize; in the name of the heroes that I admire so much and who throughout the history of this nation have fought for justice and brotherhood, some of whom received the same award that is being given to me today; in the name of the immense pain of millions of our African brothers and sisters, and finally in the name of God who I love and try to serve despite my own limitations and miseries; in the name of all of those, I beg of you to help us in our daring attempt to make the government of this nation change its policy in the region of the African Great Lakes. I beg that you help us to stop your government from supporting, for even one more day, allies who are responsible for great crimes against humanity, even genocide. I beg that you help us make our small voice reach the great masses of North American society by means of the great communications network.

The sooner the debate over the implications and responsibilities of the administration itself opens up, the sooner we will be able to stop this ceaseless genocide. There are many of us who, not only here but also in Europe, do not wish to see squandered the moral prestige of this respected nation. The great causes of peace and justice need this great power that is the United States. On the contrary, as Mahatma Gandhi said so well, everything that is founded on injustice and lies, even the greatest empires, will eventually collapse.

The situation in this region provoked by the lobbies led by Museveni, Kagame, and Buyoya or Bagaza, is morally and politically unsustainable. With such exclusive extremists it will be impossible to achieve the necessary stability for the commercial relations with this African region that the North American administration, the World Bank and some big corporations seek to establish. To achieve the necessary and fair stability that the long-suffering civil populations of these countries deserve more than anyone, a process similar to that in South Africa must recommence without delay in this region. Ethnic apartheid is even crueller than racial apartheid and the international community must not permit it. The great Hutu majority of this region cannot be excluded. I hope that together we can at last find the path towards a just and stable peace.

There are not many who have had sufficient capacity for political analysis and quick reflexes to be aware of all that was behind these conflicts, which they have tried to pass off as purely ethnic. And even less those who from heartfelt compassion and a sense of reality, have been able to find the right way to bring their clear denunciations to the notice of the highest international political institutions, to attract the attention of the media to an Africa that is too far away from us and to obtain support at the highest international level. Conscious, moreover, not only of the political nature of these tragedies, but also of the dominant role of the United States, our candidate has been capable of making his voice heard right in the heart of this nation, earning the support of lucid and committed sectors of society.

But Juan Carrero isn’t a newcomer. The award ‘Courage of Conscience’ was given to him not only for these recent years of fighting for peace and justice in the Great Lakes region, but also for his 25 years’ commitment to non-violence. He was born in Arjona (Jaen) on 18th of February 1951. At the age of 19, after studying in High School and three years of Philosophy, he withdrew with some companions to the S’Olivar estate, in the area of Estellencs, found in the Tramuntana mountain range of Mallorca. For four years he dedicated himself to meditation and prayer in solitude and to the study of Theology. In 1974, during the armaments race of the so-called Cold War, he decided to declare himself a conscientious objector to the obligatory military service, so he became Spain’s third such objector, apart from Jehovah’s Witnesses. The two previous objectors had been sentenced to eight years in prison by the Franco dictatorship. During his time in the non-violence community of Arca in the South of France he met Susana Volosin whom he later married. He also met Lanza del Vasto, the European disciple of Gandhi to whom the latter gave the name Santidhas, Servant of Peace, and entrusted with the mission of spreading non-violence in Europe. On his own initiative he decided to carry out substitute social service, which the law didn’t recognise, working for three years (twice as long as the military service) with the indigenous Argentinean Quechuans, sharing their life and their poverty. He wanted in this way to denounce and oppose the obligation of military service, and refute the accusations of laziness and non-solidarity that the first objectors had suffered.

When the Argentinean military Triad, composed of generals Videla, Massera, and Agosti, made its state coup and began its tortures, crimes, kidnappings and disappearances, he and his wife were already working in the foothills of the Argentinean Andes, on the borders of Chile and Bolivia. At an altitude of almost 4000 m they were teachers in a small school which was attended by more than 50 indigenous Quechuas. He was a fugitive from Spanish military justice and proposed to return to Spain after these years of service endorsed by the Delegation of Missions of the diocese of Mallorca. Just like his dear friend, the Argentinean Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, winner of the Nobel Peace prize in 1980, he and his wife narrowly escaped with their lives. Their school was a few kilometres from Mina Aguilar, a huge mine from which a North American company extracted daily many tons of varied and valuable minerals. A few weeks ago, a quarter of a century later, Mrs. Albright admitted that the North American government had been wrong to give its support to the Latin American dictators.

But for Juan Carrero history has repeated itself 25 years later. The wish to always be with the most forgotten and least protected has taken the S’Olivar Foundation, of which he has been President since it was established in 1992, to work during these last five years in favour of the defenceless civil population of Rwanda, Burundi and the Congo. He knows only too well what is happening in this area. During these last few years he has collected a great deal of evidence of terrible massacres and other acts of extreme cruelty. He and his colleagues have covered almost 2,000 kilometres of peace marches and they reached the limit of their possibilities in a 42-day fast. They have received the support of 19 Nobel Prize winners (Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Elie Wiesel, Joseph Rotblat, Oscar Arias, Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Rigoberta Menchu, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mikhail Gorbachev, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Int. Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Betty Williams, John Charles Polanyi, Rita Levi-Montalcini, Jean-Marie Lehn, Jean Dausset, Christian De Duve, Kenneth J. Arrow, François Jacob y Nadine Gordiner) and of practically the entire European Parliament, headed by its President the Spaniard José María Gil-Robles. They helped the European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid, Ms. Emma Bonino, in February 1997, accompanied by TV cameras, to meet with the Rwandan Hutu refugees in Zaire which the sophisticated North American satellites had no wish to see, and whose very existence they denied. In Tingui Tingui alone she found 300,000. The Commissioner announced on her return to Brussels, “I have come back from Hell.” Thanks to all that, the lives of some tens of thousands have, for the time being, been saved. But the vast majorities were cruelly eliminated by the Tutsi extremist army by means of arms, hunger, illness and wounds. Juan Carrero stated very clearly in his speech in the Abbey of Peace, “in the same way that the so-called genocide of 1994 cannot be the alibi for the selective and massive elimination of the ethnic Hutus, neither do the grave responsibilities of some European governments in the past of this region excuse those of the government of the USA at the present moment. For this reason I denounce here today that this government has militarily created these armies guilty of genocide. I denounce the participation of the North American administration in the planning of the projects for the invasion of Rwanda in 1990 and of Zaire in 1996, and I denounce the fact that they have sustained the execution of these invasions.”

This fight for an end to the genocide, for truth and justice in the Great Lakes region which, as President of the S’Olivar Foundation he maintains with other European and African organisations (especially the Catalan INSHUTI), is his principal task. But it is not his only one. 0.7% of their budget, which many institutions of Mallorca dedicate to poorer countries, wouldn’t be a reality if his Foundation, together with other NGOs, hadn’t pushed a determined campaign to achieve it. In just three years this institutional aid has multiplied ten-fold. Since 1997 he has also collaborated in the Basque peace initiative with Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, mediator for almost two years between ETA and the socialist government of Felipe González. For all this work our candidate has received various awards during the last few years. Apart from the aforementioned ‘Courage of Conscience’ award it is also worth mentioning the ‘Peace and Solidarity between People’ Memorial, which was awarded to him by the SERPAJ Foundation in 1996 (with consultative status in the UN and UNESCO).

All this wonderful solidarity, however, isn’t born from nothing, but rather from an authentic and profound spiritual experience. As our candidate often says, “if we aren’t capable of experiencing for ourselves the pain of the victims, the necessary political analysis will be born corrupt, it will be born out of a theoretical base and a lack of reality.” In the harmony of the mountain of S’Olivar the profound esteem and reverent respect for all living things is palpable. Out of the silence and prayer, as ecumenical as is possible, is born that experience which Gandhi knew how to express so admirably: “I feel a brother to all, and to be happy I need to see the least of my fellow beings happy.” Everyone who goes there returns to ‘civilisation’ with soul and spirit renewed. Through, above all, articles in various communications media, Juan Carrero also tries to take this experience, ineffable but real, of the profound relation and interdependence between all living things, outside the narrow limits of S’Olivar. Without this experience, the President of this cultural Foundation often says, our cultural paradigms will always be reduccionist. Surely ‘dreamers’ such as Gandhi and Luther King smile happily before this small non-confessional Foundation which has as its motto, “to dream and build a more fraternal world in a more habitable environment”.

Adolfo Pérez Esquivel. (29/04/99)


African organisations and individuals, 14 supports, some of them are:

  • Rally for the Return of Refugees and Democracy in Rwanda (RDR), the world’s foremost organisation of Rwandan exiles

  • Communities from the African Great Lakes region: Rwandan Community of West Africa, Burundian Community of Canada, Rwandan Community of the Ivory Coast, Rwandan Association of Toulouse, Rwandan Congress of Canada.

  • Organisation for Peace, Justice and Development in Rwanda (OPJDR), USA

  • L’Union des Forces Démocratiques Rwandaises (UFDR), a coalition constituted by Forces of Resistance for the Democracy (FRD), Group of Initiative for the Reconciliation (GID) and the Rally for the Return of Refugees and Democracy in Rwanda (RDR)

Missionaries to the African Great Lakes, 32 supports:

  • 7 Religious congregations with missionaries at African Great Lakes region: Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, Societas Missionariorum Africae (White Fathers, Spain), Javierian Missionaries (Spain), Combonian Missionaries (Spain), Nuns of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (North-Spain), Community of Brothers of Charity (Kigoma-Tanzania), Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,

  • Purificación Risco, winner of the Prince of Asturias Concord Prize of 1994 (representing the missionaries in Rwanda and Burundi)

  • 4 Diocesan Missions Delegations: Tortosa, Majorca, Logroño, Barcelona

  • 19 Missionaries in the African Great Lakes Region: Alberto Fernández Malanda (lay missionary in Burundi), Jaume Mas Julià (missionary in Burundi 1976-1997), Jaume Moragues de Oleza (missionary in Burundi 1951-1988), Miquel Parets i Serra (missionary 1961-1997), Jaime Cañellas Llompart (ex-missionary in Burundi), Cecili Buele (ex-missionary in Burundi), Mª Josefa Sáenz-Biez Tríaz (missionary in RD Congo), María Fernández (missionary in RD Congo since 1978), Cristina Mukoko (Provincial Mother Superior of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in RD Congo), Mawete Anne (missionary in RD Congo), Langa Bibiane (missionary in RD Congo), Clementine Kaja (missionary in RD Congo), Charlotte Musasa (missionary in RD Congo), Mª Nuria Sánchez de Ocaña (missionary in RD Congo), Carmen Thomás Sintes, Rosa Pujol (missionary in RD Congo, 1971-1983), Alejandro Romero González (missionary in Tanzania since 1994), Rafael Álvarez Santana (ex-missionary in Tanzania and Ghana), Philippe de Vestele (missionary in Rwanda for 30 years), H. Docx (missionary in R.D. Congo for 20 years)

  • Eduardo García Mandillo, General Vicar of the Javerian Misionaires

Organizations for cooperation, human rights, peace and humanitarian aid, 34 supports, some of them are:

  • Viçens Ferrer, winner of the Prince of Asturias Concord Prize of 1997

  • Human Rights Group, Majorca

  • Justice and Peace: Barcelona, President of Spain, Majorca, Manresa

  • Munzihirwa Group, collective of several dozen NGOs, Madrid

  • Umoya, Committees for Solidarity with Black Africa

  • Viçens Ferrer Foundation: Baleares and Andalucía delegations

  • Friends of B.P. Casaldàliga “Araguaia”, Barcelona

  • Intermón, General Board of Directors (member of Oxfam Internacional)

  • Pepe Beúnza Vázquez, first conscientious objector in Spain

  • Anita Klum, Secretary General Swiss Fundation for Human Rights

  • Josep Vidal i Llecha Association, Reus

  • Federation of Associations for the Defence and Promotion of Human Rights (with special consultative status in the UN ECOSOC); integrated by: Association for the United Nations in Spain, Caritas Spain, Institute of Human Rights of Catalunya, Institute of Political Studies for Latin America and Africa (IEPALA), Justice and Peace Spain, Spanish League for Human Rights, Movement for Peace, Disarmament and Liberty (MPDL), Peace and Cooperation

  • Juan José Romero, Director of Mediation Mennonita Service

  • Jon Sobrino, SJ, Director of the Monseñor Romero Center /UCA, San Salvador

  • Inshuti, Friends of the people of Rwanda and Burundi

  • Sabino Arana Foundation, Bilbao

  • ALSAER, Associacione dei Lavoratori e degli Studenti Africani in Emiglia-Romagna, Italia

  • Fons Mallorquí de Solidaritat i Cooperació, Mallorca

  • Red Cross, Balearic Islands

  • Adela Blanes, Director of the Training Centre for peasant girls of El Bayadeya, Egypt

  • Rodolfo Cabello Heras, Salvadorian monk and co-ordinator of the NGO ‘Ansala’

  • Josep Ricard Oller, Co-ordinator of the Jesuit Refugees Service–Spain

  • Mª Carmen Tejera López, Co-ordinator of the Centre of Solidarity with the Impoverished Peoples, Lanzarote

  • Pax Crhisti Vlaanderen, Pax Crhisti Flanders

  • Rafael Suncadellas Urpinas, President of the Catalan Association of Solidarity with Nicaragua of Nous Barris

  • Jos Fannes, President of Justice and Peace, Brussels

  • Elkarri, Social Movement for the dialogue and agreement

Political institutions and public servants, 105 supports, some of them are:

  • Island Council of Majorca (highest governmental body in Majorca)

  • Balearic Island Parliament, unanimously approved

  • Spanish Parliament, unanimously approved

  • Provincial Deputation of Jaén (highest governmental body in Jaén)

  • Balearic Island Government (highest governmental body in Balearic Islands)

  • Senators house of the Salta Province (Argentina), unanimously approved

  • 2 Town Councils Associations of Majorca: Tramuntana, Plà

  • 26 Town Councils of Majorca, 23 Town Councils and 12 Mayor of Andalucía

  • 5 Balearic publics servants: Catalina Cirer (Government Representative at Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands), Cecili Buele (Cultural Councilor for the Island Council), Pere Sampol i Mas (Vice President of the Balearic Islands Government), Catalina Mª Bover i Nicolau (General Director of Organization and Innovation, Balearic Government), Damià Pons i Pons (Councillor for Culture and Education for the Balearic Island Government)

  • 9 European Parliamentary MP: Pere Esteve, José Mª Mendiluce, Jaime Valdivieso, Fernando Fernández Martin, Laura González, Rosa Díez, Francisca Sauquillo, Theresa Zabell, Carlos Carnero González

  • Nationals Deputys and Senators : Teresa Riera Madurell (Balearic Island deputy at the Spanish Parliament), Rafael Estrella Pedrola (Spokesperson for the Commission of External Affairs in the House of Commons), Josep Valera Serra (Lleida Senator at the Spanish Senate),

  • Others: Fernando Álvarez de Miranda (Ombudsman, Spain), José Chamizo de la Rubia (Ombudsman, Andalucía), Josep Maldonado y Gili (Territorial Representative, Generalitat de Catalunya, Tarragona), Ramon Polo Bernardo (Provincial Deputy of Jaén), Teófilo García (Government Sub-representative, Jaén), Andrea Gómez Moral (Delegate for Culture for the Provincial Deputation of Jaén), Rafael de la Cruz Moreno (Delegate for Agriculture for the Provincial Deputation of Jaén), José María Mur Bermad (Deputy at the Parliament of Aragón), Álvaro García Vicente (Ombdusman of Aragón–Justicia de Aragón), Carmen Cáceres Valdivieso (Deputy at the Parliament of Aragón), Montserrat Costa Villamayor (Deputy at the Parliament of Aragón), Joan Clos (Mayor of Barcelona)

Jurists, 9 supports:

  • Association of Jurists of the Balearic Islands (AJIB)

  • Ladislao Roig Bustos, Lieutenant Prosecutor, Balearic High Court

  • Pere Barceló Obrador, Magistrate, Court of Palma

  • Margarita Robles Fernández, Magistrate, National High Court of Spain and ex-Secretary of the Ministry of Interior

  • Baltasar Garzón Real, Examining Magistrate No. 5, National High Court, Madrid. Examining magistrate for, among others, the case against Augusto Pinochet in Spain

  • Carlos Gómez Martínez, director Spanish Judicial School

  • Jesús Alcalá, Professor of international law, Member of the Council of the International Comission of Jurists, Sweden

  • Guillermo Vidal Andreu, President of Catalunya High Court

  • Juan Miguel Lomas Garrido, Advocate Prosecutor in the Malaga Provincial Court

Clergy and religious, 56 supports, some of them are:

  • Mns. Teodoro Úbeda, Bishop of Mallorca

  • Pere Casaldàliga i Plà, Bishop of Sao Felix do Araguaia, MT, Brazil

  • Anders Arborelius, Bishop, Catholic Bishopric of Stockholm

  • Agustí Cortés Soriano, Bishop of Ibiza and Formentera

  • 4 Zen Master: Willigis Jäger, Berta Meneses, Fr. Niklaus Bratsche SJ, Carmen Monske

  • Jaime Cabot Bujosa, domestic prelate of John Paul II

  • Lluc Sanctuary, Principal Sanctuary of Mallorca

  • Franciscans International Family, Spain

  • Enrique Miret Magdalena, President of the Juan XXIII Theologians Association

  • Mª José Arana, President CONFER Vizcaya

  • Group Zen “Sambokyodan-Betania”, Barcelona

  • 11 Religious or Lay Community

  • Jaén Diocesan Seminary: rector, founders, professors and seminarists

  • Juan José Tamayo Acosta, General Secretary of the Juan XXIII Theologicans Association

  • ‘Part Forana’ Priests Collective, with ex-missionaries in the African Great Lakes

  • 13 Parishes of Majorca, 10 Parishes not of Majorca

  • Marta Giménez Larrea, General Advisor of the Sacred Heart Nuns congregation

  • Santiago Pérez Mendala, Superior of the Logroño SDS (Salvadorians) community

Academics and intellectual, 60 supports:

  • 13 Rectors and Universitys: Llorenç Huguet i Rotger (University of Illes Balears), University School of Education-Ávila (Univ. of Salamanca), Manuel Gallego Díaz (Univ. Pontificia Comillas de Madrid), José María Martín Delgado (Univ. Internacional de Andalucía), Jaime Vinuesa Tejedor (Univ. de Cantabria), Raúl Villar Lázaro (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid), Josefa Beltrán Bertomeu (Asociación Universitat d’Estiu de les Terres de l’Ebre), José Gómez Soliño (Univ. de la Laguna), Rafael Puyol Antolín (Univ. Complutense de Madrid), Jaume Pagès Fila (Univ. Politècnica de Cataluña), Ignacio Berdugo Gómez de la Torre (Univ. de Salamanca), Jaime Montalvo Correa (Univ. Nacional a Distancia), Government board (Univ. de les Illes Balears)

  • 44 University professors and teacher: 44 catedráticos y profesores univeristarios: Joan Oliver Araujo Feliu (Universitat de les Illes Balears-UIB), Jesús Vicens Vich (Autónoma de Barcelona), Dolores Aleixandre Parra (Pontificia Comillas, Madrid), Soledad Guardia González (Complutense de Madrid), Gabriel Amengual Coll (UIB), Francisca Lladó Pol (UIB), Guillem Muntaner i Gelabert (UIB), Francisco Falero Folgoso (UIB), Mª Antonia Manassero Mas (UIB), Jordi Llabrés Bordoy (UIB), Jordi Pich i Solé (UIB), Javier Sádaba (Autónoma de Madrid), Miquel Tortella i Feliu (UIB), Josep Maria Terricabres (de Girona), Ramon Bassa (UIB), Joseph Mafokozi (Complutense de Madrid), José Mª Mardones Martínez (investigador del Instituto de Filosofía del CSIC), Carles Sola i Ferrando (Autónoma de Barcelona), Jose Luis Molina Núñez (de Jaén), Valentín del Olmo Navarrete (de Jaén), José Alberto Maroto Centeno (de Jaén), José Utrera Infante (de Jaén), Joaquín Teva Torres (de Jaén), Elvira Ródenas Ciller (Pontificia Comillas, Madrid), Francisco Cuesta Rico (de Granada), Fernando Beltrán Llavador (de Salamanca), Mª Dolores Rodríguez Alonso (de Salamanca), Alfonso Salgado Ruiz (Pontificia de Salamanca), Manuel Lladonosa Vall-llebrera (de Lleida), Adela Cortina Orts (de Valencia), Antonio Colomer Viadel (de Valencia), Monserrat García Cardés, Catalina Picornell Alou (UIB), Arturo Caro Fernández (UIB), Rafael Forteza Coll (UIB), Catalina Genestar Juliá (UIB), Antonia Llobera Balle (UIB), Juana Estella Escudero (UIB), María del Carmen Bosch (UIB), José A. Grimalt Gomila (UIB), Joan Gabriel March Isern (UIB), Francesc Casadesús (UIB), Bernat Riutort Serra (UIB), Diego Sabiote (UIB)

  • Ramón Panikkar, Emeritus Professor of the University of California in Santa Barbara (USA), Doctor in Philosophy, in Theology and in Sciences

  • José Luis Sampedro Sáez, Professor (retired) in Economic Structure of the Universidad de Madrid, member of the Spanish Royal Academy, ex-Senator

  • José Esteve Edo, Emeritus Professor of the Universitat Politècnica of Valecia

Organizations and individuals involved in social and ecological action, 24 supports, some of them are:

  • Antoni Font Gelabert, member of the Board of Directors of the Stichting Greenpeace Council (Greenpeace International, the Netherlands)

  • Diocesan Caritas: Diocese of Majorca, Diocese of Lleida, Diocese of Solsona

  • Diocesan Social Action Delegation, Diocese of Majorca

  • Xavier Pastor i Gràcia, Executive Director, Greenpeace Spain

  • Philippines Charitable Association in Mallorca

  • Grup d’Ornitologia Balear (GOB), environmentalist organization

  • Maria Ferret Foundation, dedicated to the energising of education and free time in Mallorca

  • ASPAYM-Baleares, Balearic Islands Association of Paraplegics and Severely Handicapped

  • Proyecte Jove Foundation, dedicated to the rehabilitation of young drug addicts

  • Hombre Libre-Proyecto Hombre Foundation, dedicated to the rehabilitation of drug addicts

  • Bartomeu Català Barceló, President, Asociación Proyecto Hombre; Secretary General, Ibero-American Network of NGOs working in drug dependencies (RIOD); member of the Board of Directors of the World Federation of Therapeutic Communities

  • AMADIBA, Balearic Islands Association of mothers of the handicapped

  • Elsa Mallorca Club, charitable Association

  • Escolta i Guiatge “Eladi Homs” Association, Scout Group

  • Tornar a Casa” Foundation, dedicated to the treatment of the terminally ill

  • Spanish Anti-Cancer Society, Balearic Islands and Jaén provincial comittees

  • ALAS, Mallorcan Association of the Fight against AIDS

  • Deixalles Foundation (work team), dedicated to the recycling of materials and to social rehabilitation

Cultural workers, educators and Civil society, 48 supports:

  • Spanish Association of Taoist Tai Chi, Barcelona

  • Michael Douglas, Actor and Ambassador for Peace for the United Nations

  • Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró, Artistic fundation

  • Estudi General Lul.lià, Luliano General Research

  • 16 Education centers.

  • Catalan Federation of UNESCO Associations and Clubs

  • Joan Company Florit, Founder-Principal of the Coral University of the Balearic Islands

  • Francisco Valero Ybarrra, Editor of ‘Integral’ magazine

  • Jorn Utzon, Architect, designer of the Sydney Opera House, amongst many other buildings

  • COPE Radio network, Jaén

  • SER-Radio network, Jaén

  • 5 Mallorcan magazines

  • 6 reporters and writers

  • Antonio García Toribio, Director of Channel 45, Jaén

  • Ildefonso Miranda Pérez, territorial Director of Radio Television of Andalucía, Jaén

  • Juan Eslava Galán, Writer, Planeta prize 1987

  • 5 artist-painters

  • Eduardo Barreto Betancort, Principal of the Haria Scholastic Residence, Lanzarote

  • Juan Espejo González, Editor of the ‘Jaén’ newspaper

  • San Sebastián Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Balearic Islands

Civilian society, 41 supporters:

  • Antonio Vera Thomás, President of the Palma Federation of Civic Associations and Bodies

  • ARTEA, Vasco-Navarra Association of Mallorca

  • 5 Neighbourhood Associations of Palma

  • 8 Official Association of Balearic Island: Administrators, Social Graduated, Apothecarys, Veterinary Surgeons, Psychologists, Architects, Philosophy Doctors and Licentiates, Social Workers

  • Antonio Ramis Ramos, Deacon-President of the Balearic Island Official College of Architects

  • General Council of Veterinary Colleges of Spain

  • USO Illes Balears, Labour Trade Union of the Balearic Islands

  • ASIMA, Industrial Trade Union Federation of Mallorca

  • STIB, Workers Union of the Balearic Islands

  • STEI, Workers Union of Education

  • Hotel Trade Association of Ca’n Picafort

  • Association of Young Business People of the Balearic Islands

  • ‘Nuredduna’ Association, Provincial Association of Housewives, Consumers and Users of the Balearic Islands

  • 5 Rotary Clubs: Palma Ramón Lull, Menorca, Huesca, Pollença and Mallorca

  • ‘La Paloma’ Association of the 3rd age

  • PIME-Balears, Confederation of Small and Medium Business of the Balearic Islands

  • PIMECO, Business Association of Small and Medium Business of Mallorca

  • PIMEN, Federation of the Small and Medium Business of Mallorca

  • GEM, Ramblers Association of Mallorca

  • Grup Güell, Association of Civic protection

  • Associació d’Antics Escoltes de Mallorca, Association of Old Scouts of Mallorca

  • Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Jaén

  • Provincial Savings Bank of Jaén

  • Association of Fraternities and Brotherhoods of the City of Jaén

  • Opinion Group Huesca XXI

  • Carles Amengual i Vicens, Vice-president of the Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis League

  • 4 religious Brotherhoods and Fraternities Palma

  • Philatelic Association

  • Brotherhood of Armed Forces Veterans, BalearicIslands Delegation

  • National Football Federation of the Balearic Islands

  • Balearic Islands Equine Association

  • Brasel, Economicand Business Initiatives

  • INFOCAL, Plumbing and Heating Installations Association