
Categoria: African Great Lakes

Cool Operator – One man’s nonviolent struggle in a violent world [Nicoletta Fagiolo, 02.14.2025]

Juan Carrero Saralegui, founder of the S’Olivar Foundation in Mallorca Spain, spent a life-time fighting injustices in Spain, Argentina and Africa. His struggle in awareness raising on the…

Keith Harmon Snow Was a Courageous Investigative Journalist Who Exposed Lies Regarding the Rwandan Genocide [Jeremy Kuzmarov – CovertAction Magazine, 02.03.2025] 

Snow followed in the footsteps of CovertAction Information Bulletin founder Philip Agee in his attempt to expose the close connections between the CIA and multi-national corporations and in his analysis…

Refugees in Malawi in danger of xenophobic violence after government’s directive [Elie Umukunzi – Spokesperson for Refugees, 04.25.2021]

Following the government’s 14-day ultimatum, refugees and other immigrants are bracing themselves for looting and xenophobic violence. Nearly 50,000 refugees are being ordered to leave cities and towns…

The conflict in the African Great Lakes is becoming a revealing example (Joan Carrero)

The conflict in the African Great Lakes is becoming a revealing example of who these great ‘philanthropists’ are that run the world and are leading it towards disaster,…

Africa, the outraged mother (Joan Carrero, Milenio Publications, march 2010)

Paul Kagame – did he really stop the genocide? Dedicatory of the book Africa, la madre ultrajada (Africa, the outraged mother) by Joan Carrero, march 2010 Precisely 50…

Letter from Senator Pere Sampol to the U.N. Secretary-General (12.15.2009)

By leaks to the media of the Spanish State, I learned of the report that a Group of Experts established by Security Council resolution of the United Nations….

A large mafia network advances its control in Central Africa (Joan Carrero, 11.22.2009)

Fundación S´Olivar publicly denounces that the U.N. has initiated an investigation about the foundation for having allegedly financed the FDLR guerrilla, as claimed by a U.N. panel of…

America’s covert operations in the Great Lakes Region (Wayne Madsen, august 2001)

Wayne Madsen is an Investigative Journalist On: ‘Suffering and Despair: Humanitarian Crisis in the Congo’. Below is prepared testimony and statement presented before the Subcommittee on International Operations…

A letter from Congresswoman McKinney to American President Clinton (Cynthia McKinney, 08.31.1999)

Honorable William Jefferson Clinton 
President, United States of America 
The White House 
Washington, DC 20515 Mr. President: I have just returned from the Democratic Republic of Congo, meeting…

Intelligence Rice caught in Iran-Contra-style capers in Africa (Executive Intelligence Review, 11.20.1998)

An EIR team probing the causes behind the genocidal wars that have been ravaging East and Central Africa over the last four years, has uncovered a covert arms…

Terror incognito: the U.S. conspiracy behind Museveni’s wars (Remigius Kintu-Uganda Democratic Coalition, 04.19.1997)

To the Maryland Peace & Justice Annual Conference 04.19.1997 Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a great honor to be asked to address a large audience of…

Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God (Revelation 12:10)

Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,…