
Categoria: Wars of aggressionPage 5 of 5

Turkey’s Failed Coup: “A Gift from God” or from Washington? (Tony Cartalucci-Land Destroyer Report, 07.18.16)

The coup this weekend that rocked Turkey was a particularly spectacular geopolitical development. Theories abound regarding who was behind it and their motivations for carrying out what ultimately proved an…

Great Danger: US-NATO Missiles Threatening Russia (Paul Craig Roberts, 06.20.16)

If You Value Life, Wake Up! Great Danger: US-NATO Missiles Threatening Russia Putin: “We Know and they Know that we Know…People do not Understand how Dangerous the Situation…

Escalations in a New Cold War (Jonathan Marshall-Consortiumnews, 05.14.2016)

The Obama administration poked Russia in the eye again by activating a missile defense site in Romania while building up NATO forces on Russia’s borders, acts that could…

The ‘Aleppo Hospital’ Smokescreen: Covering up Al Qaeda Massacres in Syria, Once Again (Tim Anderson-Global Research, 05.09.2016)

Over April-May dozens of people were murdered across Aleppo as civilian areas and major hospitals were bombed by the NATO-backed ‘rebel’ groups.  They were even filmed firing their ‘hell…

A world war has begun. Break the silence. (John Pilger, 03.20.2016)

I have been filming in the Marshall Islands, which lie north of Australia, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Whenever I tell people where I have been,…

Ghana and the 1966 Coup Against Kwame Nkrumah (Abayomi Azikiwe, Global Research, 02.16.2016)

Solidarity with Ghana represented over a century of identification with the homeland.  Five decades ago on Feb. 24, 1966, a coup was carried out against Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, the…

The Syrian Endgame, “A Lost War is Dangerous” (Tim Anderson, Global Research, 02.14.2016)

How a war is lost is a serious and dangerous business. After Henry Kissinger helped sabotage the 1968 Paris peace talks, for domestic political reasons, the War in…

US-NATO Ground Forces, Escalation in Syria Leading to Global War (South Front, 12.05.2015)

The recent developments show significant changes in the strategy of the Western countries involved in the Syrian conflict. The US has sent ground forces, including special operations units,…

Putin’s Revenge? The Fight for the Border (Mike Whitney, CounterPunch, 12.01.2015)

“We have received additional information confirming that the oil controlled by Islamic State militants (ISIS) enters Turkish territory on an industrial scale. We have every reason to believe…

America’s Empire of African Bases (Nick Turse, TomDispatch, 11.17.2015)

[Note for TomDispatch Readers:  Last week, Nick Turse appeared on Democracy Now! to discuss his superb TomDispatch work on Special Operations forces and his new Dispatch book, Tomorrow’s…

French Government Knew Extremists before Paris Terrorist Attack (Tony Cartalucci, Land Destroyer Report, 11.14.2015)

Image: ISIS-held territory seen in dark grey forms a corridor directly up to the Syrian-Turkish border – or more accurately, begins at the Turkish-Syrian border. In recent days,…

The Dirty Politics Behind the Syrian Conflict (Fragkiska Megaloudi, CounterPunch, 09.17.2015)

Over recent months the situation in the Mediterranean has served as a dramatic reminder of what the leaders of Europe have tried hard to forget. The Syrian crisis…

The Refugees are the Victims of US-NATO led Wars: The Migrants’ “Long March” across the Balkans to Western Europe (Andrew Korybko, Oriental Review, 08.28.2015)

ORIENTAL REVIEW publishes exclusive English translation of the interview given by Andrew Korybko to the Macedonian TV presenter Slobodan Tomic, the host of “Гласот на Народот” (Vox Populi) show. They…

“It’s Raining Missiles. A Nightmare that Refuses to End!” – Testimony from the War in Yemen (Helene Aecherli, 07.21.2015)

Yemenis want to be heard. They need to be heard. Thus I have asked Yemeni friends of mine, men and women, to tell their stories, to give a…

The Mess That Nuland Made [Robert Parry – Consortium News, 07.13.2015]

Victoria Nuland engineered Ukraine’s “regime change” in early 2014 without weighing the likely chaos and consequences, wrote Robert Parry on July 13, 2015. As the Ukrainian army squares…

NSA has become a rogue elephant (Wayne Madsen, 06.07.2015)

The National Security Agency, which has billed itself as merely an agency that collects and analyzes foreign signals intelligence and seeks to protect U.S. communications and computer networks…

What Spain Tells Us About the Future of AFRICOM (Andrew Korybko, Sputnik News, 06.01.2015)

The US’ decision to beef up its military presence in southern Spain indicates that a new strategy towards Africa is well underway. Washington just clinched a deal with Madrid…

Endless Imperial Wars. From Africa to the Americas and Across the World (Abayomi Azikiwe, Pan-African News Wire, 05.12.2015)

The statement below was delivered in part at the United National Antiwar Conference held during May 8-10, 2015 in Secaucus, New Jersey. This event attracted hundreds of anti-imperialist…

Fourth and fifth generation warfare arrives on European and Middle Eastern Battlefields (Wayne Madsen, Strategic Culture Foundation, 04.21.2015)

The U.S., British, Canadian and other Western military training of Ukrainian forces that include neo-Nazi gangsters from Ukraine and other parts of Europe and the NATO/CIA training support…

Can Evil Be Defeated? (Paul Craig Roberts, 04.03.2015)

John W. Whitehead is a constitutional attorney. As head of the Rutherford Institute he is actively involved in defending our civil liberties. Being actively involved in legal cases,…

Why can’t the Islamic State be eradicated? (Pavel Urintsev-Strategic Culture Foundation, 03.08.2015)

Recent events involving terrorist attacks in various countries carried out in the name of jihadists and the calls ringing out for a war against Islamic extremism are forcing…

American Lethal Military Aid to Ukraine is a Throwback to Iran-Contra Days (Wayne Madsen-Strategic Culture Foundation, 02.03.2015)

It was inevitable. As calls increased by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and NATO military commander General Philip Breedlove, among others, for lethal military equipment to be…

Is US-NATO Preparing to Wage War on Russia? (Michel Chossudovsky-Global Research, 12.20.2014)

Is US-NATO Preparing to Wage War on Russia? The Wales NATO Summit in September has set the stage. Several military initiatives directed against the Russian Federation have been…

ISIS, Assad, and What the West is Missing About Syria (Alessandra Nucci, The Catholic World Report, 12.15.2014)

Syria, once home to a unique, multireligious society, is being destroyed. The West is turning a blind eye to the real cause of the tragedy. Last year Pope…

The War in Western Kurdistan and Northern Syria: The Role of the US and Turkey in the Battle of Kobani (Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya-Strategic Culture Foundation, 11.11.2014)

A war is being fought for control over Western Kurdistan and the northern areas of Syria, including three de facto Kurdish enclaves there. The fighting in Western Kurdistan…

The March to War: Fighting ISIL is a Smokescreen for US Mobilization against Syria, Iran (Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya-Strategic Culture Foundation, 09.26.2014)

The ISIL or IS threat is a smokescreen. The strength of the ISIL has deliberately been inflated to get public support for the Pentagon and to justify the…

ISIS is America’s New Terror Brand: Endless Propaganda Fuels “War on Terror” (James F. Tracy-Global Research, 09.01.2014)

In the wake of World War I, erstwhile propagandist and political scientist Harold Lasswell famously defined propaganda as “the management of collective attitudes” and the “control over opinion”…

The Pentagon’s Strategy for World Domination: Full Spectrum Dominance, from Asia to Africa (Bruce Gagnon-Plymouth Institute for Peace Research, 08.20.2014)

Current US military space policy is primarily geared toward two countries, China and Russia. In May 2000 the Washington Post published an article called “For Pentagon, Asia Moving…

Wiping Out the Christians of Syria and Iraq to Remap the Mid-East: Prerequisite to a Clash of Civilizations? (Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya-Strategic Culture Foundation 08.16.2014)

How the War on Christians in Iraq and Syria is Paving the Way for a Clash of Civilizations Part II first part of this article discussed the targeting…

Wiping Out the Christians of Syria and Iraq to Remap the Middle East: Prerequisite to a Clash of Civilizations? [Part I] (Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya-Strategic Culture Foundation, 07.30.2014)

Historically, the Levant is the birthplace of Christianity and the oldest Christian communities have lived in it and the entire Fertile Crescent since the start of Christian history….

Revelations of German Pilot: Shocking Analysis of the “Shooting Down” of Malaysian MH17. “Aircraft Was Not Hit by a Missile” (Peter Haisenko-Anderweltonline, 07.26.2014)

The tragedy of Malaysian MH 017 continues to elude any light of clarity being cast over it. The flight recorders are in England and are evaluated. What can…

The West, a society in decline (Joan Carrero, 08.29.2013)

All of a sudden, Bashar al-Asad has taken leave of his senses. In spite of the fact that he has been increasingly in control of the situation in…

Interview with Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya: “NATO only yields destructions, insecurity and misery. It must be abolished” (Silvia Cattori, 03.19.2013)

Appreciated for the rigor and the accuracy of his analysis, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya (*), age 30, has emerged as one of the best scholars on NATO. His articles,…

The aggression of Mali: the last move on “The Grand Chessboard” (Joan Carrero, 02.18.2013)

The first key point that should be considered when analyzing Mali´s conflict is the fact that France is currently part of the imperial system of the West, which…

“This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” (General Wesley Clark, 03.02.2007)

I said (to an army general), “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that.” He reached over on his desk….