
Etiqueta: Palestine/IsraelPage 2 of 2

Western media’s parroting of official lies is paving way to genocide in Gaza [Jonathan Cook – Middle East Eye, 10.16.2023]

Catastrophe looms because journalists have failed to hold both Israel and their own governments to account How did we get to the point where Israel can order half of Gaza’s…

Slouching Towards the Final Solution [Pepe Escobar – Strategic Culture Foundation, 10.14.2023]

The war against Russia in Ukraine and the Israeli “war on terror” in Gaza are just parallel fronts of a single, horrifyingly evolving, global war. You have stolen…

Weaponised antisemitism crushed the political left. Now it’s the cultural left’s turn [Jonathan Cook, 07.04.2023]

Having dispatched Corbyn, the smear industry is targeting icons like Ken Loach and Roger Waters over their support for Palestinian rights and opposition to Nato’s war machine. What…

How BBC coverage is enabling Israeli state violence at al-Aqsa [Jonathan Cook, 04.06.2023]

Once again, the British state broadcaster is using a bogus ‘neutrality’ to trick its audience into siding with Israeli state oppression. The late Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a Nobel…

Photo-Shopped History: Editing Out Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s Support for Palestine [Clinton Nzala – MintPress News, 01.04.2022]

Rewriting history – essentially negating the historical relations between the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa and the ongoing struggle to free Palestine – serves the interests of mainstream…

What is Left for Palestine? [Craig Murray, 05.17.2021]

Western media and politicians are now firmly coalesced around the Israeli government narrative. Israel is unwillingly fighting a war of self-defence in Gaza after hostilities were commenced by…

Press release: No to the extermination of the palestinian people [Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, 05.17.2021]

Given the seriousness of the bombings and attacks of the Israeli army on the Gaza Strip, and the dimension of the obvious differences between the 4th power in…

Parallels between Minneapolis and Jerusalem are more than skin deep [Jonathan Cook, 06.11.2020]

In a world of depleting resources and contracting economies, states are preparing for future uprisings by a growing underclass It is hard to ignore the striking parallels between…

The Kerfuffle War – Trump’s Iran De-escalation Succeeds [Joaquin Flores – Strategic Culture Foundation, 01.09.2020]

Just like that, it was over. General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called it ‘a kerfuffle’. A letter was sent to their Iraqi peers…

Iraq: The October Revolution of 2019 and the Iran-US Conflict [Dirk Adriaensens – Global Research, 01.03.2020]

Iraq is home to thousands of US troops and is also home to powerful Iranian-backed militias. The fear is that Iraq could become the battleground of a war…

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinian Christians that Nobody is Talking About [Ramzy Baroud – CounterPunch, 10.31.2019]

Palestine’s Christian population is dwindling at an alarming rate. The world’s most ancient Christian community is moving elsewhere. And the reason for this is Israel. Christian leaders from…

Pretexts for an Attack on Iran [Ray MGovern – Consortium News, 05.15.2019]

Ray McGovern probes the step-up in U.S. belligerence towards a country posing the same non-existent strategic threat as Iraq.  An Iraq-War redux is now in full play, with leading…

Make no mistake, Netanyahu is not a man of peace [Jonathan Cook – The National, 11.18.2018]

While hardline nationalists make political capital by publicly demanding an attack on Gaza, Israel’s prime minister is opting to keep Palestinians there voiceless and isolated. Palestinians in Gaza…

Israel is bulldozing Khan Al Ahmar – and with it the two-state solution [Jonathan Cook – The National, 07.08.2018]

Israel finally built an access road to the West Bank village of Khan Al Ahmar last week, after half a century of delays. But the only vehicles allowed…

West’s failure to act will be cause of the next Gaza massacre [Jonathan Cook – The National, 05.15.2018]

The contrasting images coming out of Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories on Monday could not have been starker – or more disturbing. Faced with protests at the…

On sixth Friday of Gaza protests, Israeli snipers shoot 70, but kill none [Ahmad Kabariti–Mondoweiss, 05.05.2018]

“You! the one with the red T-shirt that has just insulted me, as a the son of a bitch. I promise to respond to you. We are ready…

Are We Over the US/UK Fomented Crisis In Syria? [Paul Craig Roberts, 04.14.2018]

It appears from the very limited US missile attack, most of which were intercepted and destroyed by Syrian air defenses, that the US military prevailed over the crazed…

Further Signs of More War: A Most Dangerous Game [Edward Curtin-Global Research, 14.03.18]

Donald Trump’s days of playing the passive/aggressive host of a reality-television game show are coming to an end.  Either he fires all the apprentices who might slightly hesitate…

Memorandum for the President: Growing Risk of U.S.-Iran Hostilities Based on False Pretexts, Intel Vets Warn [VIPS-Consortium News, 02.26.2018]

Introduction In our December 21st Memorandum to you, we cautioned that the claim that Iran is currently the world’s top sponsor of terrorism is unsupported by hard evidence. Meanwhile,…

Will Lebanon Be the Next Energy War? [F. William Engdahl-New Eastern Outlook, 02.14.2018]

A new geopolitical confrontation is shaping up in the Middle East, and not only between Israel and Syria or Iran. Like most conflicts there, it involves a fight…

Norman Finkelstein’s new book on Gaza is a meticulous account of Israel’s crimes [James North-Mondoweiss, 01.25.2018]

Norman Finkelstein has the moral gravity of an Old Testament prophet, the scrupulous attention to detail of a Talmudic scholar, and the mordant sense of humor of a…

Ahed Tamimi’s arrest sheds a disturbing light on how children are targeted by Israel [Jonathan Cook-The National, 01.08.2018]

Sixteen-year-old Ahed Tamimi may not be what Israelis had in mind when, over many years, they criticised Palestinians for not producing a Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela. Eventually,…

What Is Happening in Iran? Is Another “Color Revolution” Underway? [Brandon Tuberville-Activist Post, 12.31.2017]

A familiar sight is taking place across Iran tonight and it has been for the last three days. Protests are taking place in numerous cities citing grievances and demanding that…

How will US Jerusalem move affect Israel’s far right? [Jonathan Cook-Al Jazeera, 12.10.2017]

Donald Trump’s recognition this week of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, overturning seven decades of US policy in the region and effectively ending hopes of a two-state solution, has…

Trafficking in Desperate Black Africans: Israel, Rwanda, and Libya [Bénédicte Kumbi Ndjoko and Ann Garrison-Global Research, 12.06.2017]

On November 14 CNN shocked the world with its video news report of Black African migrants being sold into slavery in Libya. Eight days later the Rwandan government…

Dov Yermiya, who had renounced the Zionism, dies at 101 (Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss, 02.01.2016)

Dov Yermiya died on Saturday at 101 at the kibbutz in northern Israel where he lived. Yermiya was a leading Israeli dissident who had fought in Israel’s war…

Ban Ki-Moon’s Duplicitous Criticism of Israel (Stephen Lendman, Global Research, 01.27.2016)

Ban exclusively serves Western interests, a loyal imperial servant throughout his tenure, taking no action against US-led NATO or Israeli high crimes.  Addressing Security Council members on Tuesday,…

Wiping Out the Christians of Syria and Iraq to Remap the Mid-East: Prerequisite to a Clash of Civilizations? (Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya-Strategic Culture Foundation 08.16.2014)

How the War on Christians in Iraq and Syria is Paving the Way for a Clash of Civilizations Part II first part of this article discussed the targeting…