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Syria’s White Helmets Go Global [Caitlin Johnstone-Consortiumnews, 02.08.2018]

Syria’s White Helmets have been boosted by the West as a trusted humanitarian organization, but their origins and motives remain murky. Now, the White Helmets effort appears to…

Russiagate Should Be Called Hillarygate [Stephen Lendman, 02.06.2018]

With considerable media help, the Clinton campaign cooked the books for her to win, losing for failing to cook them enough. She and the DNC hired former MI6…

Honoring Robert Parry [Jim Kavanagh-Counterpunch, 02.01.2018]

Robert Parry’s death is a profound loss to our country as a political and intellectual community. It’s a shame that most Americans don’t know that—and, indeed, don’t even…

Norman Finkelstein’s new book on Gaza is a meticulous account of Israel’s crimes [James North-Mondoweiss, 01.25.2018]

Norman Finkelstein has the moral gravity of an Old Testament prophet, the scrupulous attention to detail of a Talmudic scholar, and the mordant sense of humor of a…

Mainstream Media and Imperial Power [Dennis J Bernstein and Randy Credico-Consortiumnews, 01.24.2018]

Noted journalist and filmmaker John Pilger’s collection of work has been archived by the British Library, but deep-rooted problems of Western media create an increasingly difficult landscape for…

Greece – Convenient Victim or Complacent Masochist? The Devastating Social Impacts of IMF-ECB-EC “Economic Medicine” [Peter Koenig-Global Research, 01.20.2018]

Why this title? – Because Greece doesn’t have to continue playing the card of the victim, nor being masochist. Greece seems to suffer under the Stockholm Syndrome –…

We Need a Martin Luther King Day of Truth [Edward Curtin-Global Research, 15.01.18]

As Martin Luther King’s birthday is celebrated with a national holiday, his death day disappears down the memory hole. Across the country – in response to the King Holiday…

Ahed Tamimi’s arrest sheds a disturbing light on how children are targeted by Israel [Jonathan Cook-The National, 01.08.2018]

Sixteen-year-old Ahed Tamimi may not be what Israelis had in mind when, over many years, they criticised Palestinians for not producing a Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela. Eventually,…

To Honor Albert Camus on the Day He Died: January 4, 1960 [Edward Curtin-Global Research, 01.04.2018]

Because he was not a partisan in the Cold War between the U.S./NATO and the U.S.S.R, Albert Camus was an oddball.  As a result, he was criticized by the right,…

What Is Happening in Iran? Is Another “Color Revolution” Underway? [Brandon Tuberville-Activist Post, 12.31.2017]

A familiar sight is taking place across Iran tonight and it has been for the last three days. Protests are taking place in numerous cities citing grievances and demanding that…

Jesus Was Born In A Police State [John W. Whitehead-The Rutherford Institute, 12.18.2017]

The Christmas narrative of a baby born in a manger is a familiar one. The Roman Empire, a police state in its own right, had ordered that a…

How will US Jerusalem move affect Israel’s far right? [Jonathan Cook-Al Jazeera, 12.10.2017]

Donald Trump’s recognition this week of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, overturning seven decades of US policy in the region and effectively ending hopes of a two-state solution, has…

Trafficking in Desperate Black Africans: Israel, Rwanda, and Libya [Bénédicte Kumbi Ndjoko and Ann Garrison-Global Research, 12.06.2017]

On November 14 CNN shocked the world with its video news report of Black African migrants being sold into slavery in Libya. Eight days later the Rwandan government…

Plunder Capitalism [Paul Craig Roberts, 12.04.2017]

I deplore the tax cut that has passed Congress. It is not an economic policy tax cut, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with supply-side economics. The…

Jean-Claude Juncker and the catalan crisis [Matthew Parish, 04.12.17]

In politics, it is usual that things are not as they first appear. A dispute about the constitutional status of a region of Spain may transpire to have…

Rwandan Official Wanted by Spanish and French Justice Visits Canada [Pierre Claver Nkinamubanzi-Rwandan Congress of Canada, 17.11.17]

The Rwandan Congress of Canada wishes to draw the attention of the Canadian authorities, the media and the public on the visit to Canada of the Minister of…

Burundi Defies the Imperial Criminal Court, an Interview with John Philpot [Ann Garrison-Black Agenda Report, 11.15.2017]

“All the international criminal courts became propaganda tools for perpetuating Western domination of Africa by demonizing any African leaders who dare to raise an independent head or take…

Thank You, Ed Herman [Diana Johnstone-Counterpunch, 11.15.2017]

Edward S. Herman died on November 11, 2017, at the age of 92.  Fortunately, it was a peaceful death for a supremely peaceful man.  In all he did,…

Press Release by the Embassy of Burundi in The Hague on the authorisation to open an investigation regarding the situation in Burundi by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court [11.10.2017]

The Embassy of the Republic of Burundi (Ambassador Vestine NAHIMANA, see archive image) in The Hague expresses its profound dissatisfaction and regret, following the information it received through…

A Totalitarian Europe Now on Our Doorstep [Julian Rose-Global Research, 11.09.2017]

Quietly, without most people noticing, the European Commission is moving ahead with a strategy that will arguably make the EU into the first fully operational model of a…

Europe Threw Catalonia Under the Bus [Stephen Lendman, 11.07.2017]

Millions of pro-independence Catalans are on their own. Europe turned its back on them, violating fundamental international law, affirming the right of self-determination for all people. Separatist officials…

A Nonviolent Strategy to End Violence and Avert Human Extinction. The Teachings of Gandhi and Martin Luther King [Robert J. Burrowes-Global Research, 10.28.2017]

Around the world activists who are strategic thinkers face a daunting challenge to effectively tackle the multitude of violent conflicts, including the threat of human extinction, confronting human…

Coup D’Etat in Catalonia [Stephen Lendman, 10.22.2017]

Self-determination is a universal right. Constitutional and statute laws against it violate the UN Charter and other international law. On Saturday, Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy suspended Catalan self-governance…

What Next for Catalonia? [Stephen Lendman, 10.11.2017]

On Tuesday, Catalan President Carles Puigemont and majority regional parliamentarians declared independence from Spain – then suspended it to pursue dialogue with Madrid. The document signed said in…

Spanish Government Issues Veiled Death Threat To Catalan Leader [Tyler Durden–ZeroHedge, 10.09.2017]

In a quite shocking escalation of the rhetoric in Spain, a spokesman for the ruling People’s Party just issued a (barely) veiled death threat to the President of Catalonia….

Police State Repression in Catalonia [Stephen Lendman-Strategic Culture Foundation, 09.23.17]

Catalonia is an autonomous community in Spain’s northeast, bordering France and the Mediterranean Sea, Barcelona its capital and largest city. In November 2015, Catalan lawmakers approved a secession…

A UN Force For Ukraine: Beware the Trojan Horse [Christopher Black-New Eastern Outlook, 21.09.17]

Russia has proposed that a UN “peacekeeping” force be placed in Ukraine to protect Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) representatives, who are supposed to be…

Letter from a Quebecer: I took up the Rwandans’ struggle as if it was mine because their cause is a just [09.15.2017]

Dear Friends: Last Saturday, in Montreal, three generous Quebec lawyers presented a class action proposal to us, and I sincerely hope that it will gather support from many…

Call for and end to terror unleashed on members of FDU-Inkingi by Rwanda’s security services [FDU-Inkingi, 11.09.17]

The FDU-inkingi would like to make an appeal to all peace-loving people, institutions and governments to rein on the government of President Kagame to release its members detained…

Bring the United States into the New Paradigm! [Helga Zepp-LaRouche / Executive Intelligence Review, 01.09.17]

The following is an edited version of a dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche that took place at a special LaRouche PAC Manhattan Meeting on August 26, 2017. That conference,…

Central Banks as Engines of Income Inequality and Financial Crisis [Jack Rasmus, 08.29.2017]

My just published book, ‘Central Bankers at the End of Their Rope?: Monetary Policy and the Coming Depression’, Clarity Press, July 2017, is now available for immediate purchase…

The Rise of the Radicals – The Narrative of Terror Hides Behind its Ideologues [Catherine Shakdam-New Eastern Outlook, 08.21.2017]

The 2016 BBC documentary on Deobandis in the UK  exposed what many of us knew all along. That the Muslim communities in the United Kingdom are not a monolithic…

Situation of political prisoners of the ICTR in Mali and Benin [John Philpot-RPPSN, 08.09.2017]

In July 2017, during a professional visit with my clients, political prisoners of the ICTR detained in Mali and Benin, I met authorities from both countries to discuss…

On the beach 2017. The beckoning of nuclear war. [John Pilger, 08.04.2017]

The US submarine captain says, “We’ve all got to die one day, some sooner and some later. The trouble always has been that you’re never ready, because you…

Voting Machine Maker Says Venezuela Polls Rigged, Offers No Evidence [Tony Cartalucci-Land Destroyer Report, 08.03.2017]

London-based voting machine maker Smartmatic claims the recent polls carried out in Venezuela this week were rigged. In their 5 minute video statement, however, they failed to provide…

General Kagame Will ‘Win’ Rwanda’s Election [David Himbara and Ann Garrison-Global Research, 08.01.2017]

–An Interview with David Himbara– Rwandans will go to the polls to elect a president on August 4, but asking whether General Paul Kagame will win is like asking whether…

LaRouche PAC Issues Emergency Call To Pre-Empt Trans Atlantic Economic Breakdown and Chaos [Executive Intelligence Review, 07.28.2017]

The LaRouche Political Action Committee issued an emergency call July 21, for a mobilization to pre-empt the chaos and devastation that will result across the Americas, Europe, and…

Macron’s Maneuvers on the New Cold War [Dennis J. Bernstein-Consortium News, 07.26.2017]

Official Washington’s hawks are blocking President Trump’s desired detente with Russia, but that has opened a path for France’s new President Macron to mediate the New Cold War,…

The Conspiracy to Remove Trump from the Presidency [Paul Craig Roberts, 07.24.2017]

US intelligence services, the Democratic Party, some Republicans including members of President Trump’s own government, and the presstitute US media are conspiring against American democracy and the President…

When We Can No Longer Tell the Truth… [Charles Hugh Smith-Washington’s Blog, 07.21.2017]

When we can no longer tell the truth because the truth will bring the whole rotten, fragile status quo down in a heap of broken promises and lies, we’ve…

Black America is “Pro-Peace,” but Its Politicians Work for the War Party [Glen Ford-Black Agenda Report, 07.07.2017]

“The Black political class has disavowed and defiled the legacies of W.E.B. Du Bois, Malcolm X, and Dr. Martin Luther King.” The Black Alliance for Peace will have…

The Useful Idiots Who Undermine Dissent on Syria [Jonathan Cook-CounterPunch, 07.05.2017]

There has been much disingenuous criticism of those, like me, who question why the western corporate media have studiously ignored the latest investigation by renowned journalist Seymour Hersh…

The US-Russian Hearings: Caught Again In Their Trap [Christopher Black-New Eastern Outlook, 06.25.2017]

“…one shouldn’t put one’s trust in speeches like that from the gentlemen, for on such occasions the gentlemen liked to say agreeable things, but they had little or…

Afghanistan: The World’s Largest Opium Producer (Stephen Lendman, 06.23.2017)

Opium is used to produce heroin and other illicit opioids. In his book titled “The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade”, Alfred McCoy documented CIA and…

Request for formal investigation Jean Chrysostome Ntirugiribambe, ICTR Witness and ICTR investigator/Legal Officer Kidnapped 23 June 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya (John Philpot-RPPSN, 06.07.2017)

M Olufemi Elias Registrar Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT) Arusha, Tanzania   Ms Sera Attika Assistant Chief of Registry, Arusha Division Witness Support and Protection Unit (WISP)…

The Real Story of Zbigniew Brzezinski That the Media Isn’t Telling (Darius Shahtahmasebi-The AntiMedia, 05.27.2017)

Zbigniew Brzezinski, former national security advisor to President Jimmy Carter, died Friday at a hospital in Virginia at the age of 89. Though the New York Times acknowledged that the former…

UK Government Harbored Terrorists Linked to Manchester Blast for Decades (Tony Cartalucci-Land Destroyer Report, 05.24.2017)

UK Proscribed terrorist organization, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), maintains large presence in Manchester area and is now being linked to recent blast. As suspected and as was…

French Presidential Election 2017: Nothing Succeeds Like Success. Macron “Selected”. Billionaires and Bankers Rejoice (Diana Johnstone-Global Research, 05.08.2017)

There is great rejoicing tonight in places accustomed to rejoicing. The best champagne must be flowing in places that have plenty of it, chez Bernard Arnault, for example,…

Urgent letter concerning International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda witnesses and employees (John Philpot-RPPSN, 04.30.2017)

Mr. Olufemi Elias Registrar MTPI Arusha, Tanzania Re : UNHCR Cessation Clause and the ICTR Dear Registrar Elias, I am writing to you on behalf of the Rwandan…

The Passion of Christ in the Vatican today (IV) [Joan Carrero, 04.15.2017]

We should also, in my opinion, be looking inside the Intraecclesial domain for other motives which might have led Pope Francis to so solemnly receive Paul Kagame and…