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Glen Ford, Veteran Journalist And Founder Of Black Agenda Report, Dies At 71 [Bruce C.T. Wright – NewsOne, 07.28.2021]

Glen Ford spent more than four decades delivering the news from a Black perspective on a national scale Glen Ford, a veteran broadcast, print and digital journalist who…

Going Dark [Craig Murray, 07.30.2021]

This blog will be going dark for a few months. The Queen kindly paid for my dinners for over twenty years while I was a British diplomat and…

Majority of US Physicians Decline COVID Shots, According to Survey [Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, 06.16.2021]

Of the 700 physicians responding to an internet survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), nearly 60 percent said they were not “fully vaccinated” against COVID. This contrasts…

mRNA Vaccine Inventor Erased from History Books [Joseph Mercola, 07.06.2021]

June 11, 2021, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert Malone, spoke out on the DarkHorse podcast about the potential dangers of COVID-19 gene therapy injections….

FBI Fabrication Against Assange Falls Apart [Craig Murray, 06.29.2021]

On the final day of the Assange extradition hearing, magistrate Vanessa Baraitser refused to accept an affidavit from Assange’s solicitor Gareth Peirce, on the grounds it was out…

Victoire Ingabire Prize 2021: Masako Yonekawa’s acceptance speech [RifDP, 06.19.2021]

I would like to thank the International Women’s Network for Democracy and Peace honouring me with this special Award, Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza Prize for Democracy and Peace. To…

Rwandan Courts Move to Sentence the Wrong Paul [Hotel Rwanda Rusesabagina Foundation, 17.06.2021]

Today the Rwandan prosecutors requested that the court sentence Paul Rusesabagina to life in prison for the alleged crimes brought against him during his trial over the past…

The Decline of Western Power [Craig Murray, 06.15.2021]

Boris Johnson sees himself as the heritor of a world bestriding Imperial mantle, but in truth he cannot bestride the Irish Sea. The overshadowing of the G7 summit…

Belgium Parliament asks for Rwanda to Repatriate Rusesabagina [Hotel Rwanda Rusesabagina Foundation, 06.09.2021]

Tuesday Belgian parliament voted overwhelmingly to support a resolution by Els Van Hoof, a Member of Parliament from CD&V party. The resolution condemned the enforced disappearance, illegal extradition…

Lantos Foundation Calls for Magnitsky Sanctions in Paul Rusesabagina Case [Lantos Foundation, 06.07.2021]

Formal petition filed for U.S. action against Rwandan officials complicit in his kidnapping The Lantos Foundation for Human Rights & Justice today announced that it has filed a…

EMERGENCY situation – Paul Rusesabagina Denied Food and Water in Rwandan Prison [Hotel Rwanda Rusesabagina Foundation – PRLog, 06.04.2021]

Today Paul Rusesabagina’s family discovered that the Rwandan government has stopped providing food, water and medication to Paul while he is in prison. Paul’s wife Taciana said “we…

From Russell and Hilbert to Wiener and Harari: The Disturbing Origins of Cybernetics and Transhumanism Matthew Ehret Strategic Culture Foundation 05.31.2021

The more we are encouraged to think like cold computers, the more the thesis that “computers must replace human thought” could be maintained. As I outlined in my…

CHD Calls on FDA to Immediately Take COVID Vaccines Off the Market [Children’s Health Defense Team, 05.20.2021]

Children’s Health Defense and Millions Against Medical Mandates invite parents, healthcare practitioners, military members and others to comment on their petition calling on the U.S. Food and Drug…

What is Left for Palestine? [Craig Murray, 05.17.2021]

Western media and politicians are now firmly coalesced around the Israeli government narrative. Israel is unwillingly fighting a war of self-defence in Gaza after hostilities were commenced by…

Walking with Fr. Daniel Berrigan, S.J., A Criminal for Peace [Edward Curtin, 05.09.2021]

Today is a day to celebrate the prophetic voice and witness of Fr. Daniel Berrigan, the non-violent anti-war activist and poet, whose life and witness has touched so…

Press release: No to the extermination of the palestinian people [Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, 05.17.2021]

Given the seriousness of the bombings and attacks of the Israeli army on the Gaza Strip, and the dimension of the obvious differences between the 4th power in…

Refugees in Malawi in danger of xenophobic violence after government’s directive [Elie Umukunzi – Spokesperson for Refugees, 04.25.2021]

Following the government’s 14-day ultimatum, refugees and other immigrants are bracing themselves for looting and xenophobic violence. Nearly 50,000 refugees are being ordered to leave cities and towns…

Doctors and Scientists Write to the European Medicines Agency, Warning of COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers for a Third Time [Doctors for Covid Ethics, 04.25.2021]

Ahead of European Green Certificate (vaccine passport) vote in the European Parliament on April 28, the experts warn that cardinal symptoms of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) dominate…

Green Pass: Letter of Children’s Health Defense to the European Parliament. TAKE ACTION [Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Children’s Health Defense, 03.22.2021]

Dear Member of the European Parliament, Re: Green Pass Requires Debate, Not Emergency Adoption, COM 2021 130 We write to oppose the Parliament’s adoption of the “Green Pass”…

As British Warships Deploy to Black Sea, Putin Warns of Red Lines [Finian Cunningham – Strategic Culture Foundation, 04.22.2021]

The British are being told that they cannot just sail their warships into the Black Sea and rattle their sabers in Russia’s face. Putin is telling the Brits…

The Assassination and Resurrection of Martin Luther King, Jr. [Edward Curtin, 04.02.2021]

“I don’t believe in death without resurrection. If they kill me, I will rise again in the Salvadorian people…”  – Archbishop Oscar Romero, martyred, 24 March 1980 Whether we…

Personal Tribute to Ramsay Clark: Iraq and Rwanda [John Philpot, 14.04.2021]

Our friend in struggle, Attorney Ramsay Clark, passed away on April 9, 2021. Ramsay affected many of our lives. We followed closely his opposition to the American invasion…

Rebuttal letter to European Medicines Agency on the risks of Covid-19 vaccines [Doctors for Covid Ethics, 04.01.2021]

From Doctors for Covid Ethics Emer Cooke, Executive Director, European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Ladies and Gentlemen, For the urgent personal attention of: Emer Cooke, Executive Director…

China Hit With Sobering Splash of Reality as Alaskan Talks Melt Under Heat of U.S. Belligerence [Matthew Ehret – Strategic Culture Foundation, 03.24.2021]

The Biden Administration is committed to accelerating the worst elements of the “hard imperial” practices of military encirclement of China while also advancing the “soft imperial” practices, Matt…

Catalonia: The EU’s Secret Shame [Craig Murray, 03.10.2021]

My very real enthusiasm for the European Union had survived decades of sometimes bruising encounters with reality before being fatally holed by the strong political support given by European Council,…

European Union ‘Over a Borrell’. Who Is Humiliating Who? [Finian Cunningham – Strategic Culture Foundation, 02.14.2021]

Borrell’s arrogance in presuming to come to Moscow to lecture on human rights is the real offense. Sergei Lavrov was eminently correct to give this attempt at humiliation…

European Parliament resolution of 11 February 2021 on Rwanda, the case of Paul Rusesabagina [2021/2543(RSP)]

The European Parliament, –  having regard to its previous resolutions on Rwanda, –  having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, –  having regard to the African Charter on Human…

Craig Murray, Independence for Scotland, and a Trial in Edinburgh [Alexander Mercouris – Consortium News, 02.08.2021]

The absence of evidence that harm was done makes the case against Craig Murray look frankly rather abstract. It is not obvious what the point of the case…

JFK, Allen Dulles, and Indonesia [Edward Curtin, 02.02.2021]

A Review: JFK vs. Allen Dulles by Greg Poulgrain Before I digress slightly, let me state from the outset that the book by Greg Poulgrain that I am about to…

IBAHRI calls for due process as trial of ‘Hotel Rwanda’ Paul Rusesabagina faces indefinite delay [IBAHRI, 01.27.2021]

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) calls for due process to be followed in the trial of the exiled Rwandan dissident Paul Rusesabagina, who has been in police custody…

How the FBI Created Domestic Terrorism: 80 Years of Psychological Warfare Revealed [Matthew Ehret – Strategic Culture Foundation, 01.25.2021]

The “war on terror” is now expanding to target a broad spectrum of the American population who would be morally resistant to the sorts of anti-human policies demanded by…

Confessions of a Deprogrammed Trump Supporter [Matthew Ehret – Strategic Culture Foundation, 01.22.2021]

As many people are aware, CNN recently aired a wonderful interview by former Moonie-turned-cult-deprogrammer Steve Hassan giving advice to Americans wishing to deprogram their MAGA-hat wearing loved ones,…

Hotel Rwanda Hero Paul Rusesabagina, “I think I am going to die” [Hotel Rwanda Rusesabagina Foundation – PRLog, 01.13.2021]

Paul Rusesabagina, the humanitarian hero and human rights activist whose true story of saving 1,268 people during the Rwandan Genocide inspired the film Hotel Rwanda, continues to suffer from medical…

9/11 Was the Prelude. 1/6 Is the Holy Grail [Pepe Escobar – Strategic Culture Foundation, 01.13.2021]

Whether civil war is coming will depend on the degree of stoicism prevalent among the Deplorable multitudes. I hear the sons of the city and dispossessed Get down,…

For Martin Luther King Day: Let Us End His “Second Assassination” [Matthew Ehret – Global Research, 01.11.2021]

Martin Luther King Jr. day has been celebrated every January 18 since it was a made a national holiday through the tireless efforts of Martin’s widow Coretta in…

Both Tortuous and Torturous [Craig Murray, 01.06.2021]

Magistrate Vanessa Baraitser walked into Westminster Magistrates Court No.1 at 10.12am this morning with the sunniest smile and most carefree disposition I have ever seen her adopt. Her…

Julian Assange: Imminent Freedom [Craig Murray, 01.05.2021]

It has been a long and tiring day, with the startlingly unexpected decision to block Julian’s extradition. The judgement is in fact very concerning, in that it accepted…

Why we must save Julian Assange and WikiLeaks [Stefania Maurizi – Consortium News, 12.31.2020]

The following is a speech delivered by Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi to the Chaos Computer Club Congress on Tuesday Thank you to the Chaos Computer Club for this…

Rhodes Scholars Surge in Biden’s Potential Cabinet [Matthew Ehret – Strategic Culture Foundation, 12.27.2020]

With Trump’s ascension to the presidency in 2016, the Rhodes Scholars that had permeated the U.S. Deep State over many years found themselves choking on humble pie as…

Today’s China Espionage Scandals Revive the Gouzenko Hoax That Unleashed the Cold War [Matthew Ehret – Strategic Culture Foundation, 12.19.2020]

Today, a new coordinated psychological operation has been sprung to convince every living patriot across the Five Eyes sphere of influence that the enemy of the free world…

John Pilger: The Most Lethal Virus is Not Covid-19. It is War [John Pilger, 12.14.2020]

John Pilger describes the invisible weapon of past and current wars, and the threat of nuclear war, under cover of the Covid pandemic. This is propaganda, aided by…

Barack Obama And the Death of Idealism [James Bovard – The American Conservative, 12.03.2020]

Obama’s deception and warmongering killed the “hope and change” he promised on the campaign trail. We shouldn’t be sad to see them go. Americans are sickened of an…

Former officials of the Áñez administration are fleeing Bolivia for U.S. and Brazil [Paul Antonopoulos – InfoBrics, 12.02.2020]

New Bolivian President Luis Arce is investigating several former officials who served his predecessor Jeanine Áñez. They are accused of corruption or being responsible for massacres. Dozens fled…

Spirituality in a Postmodern Age [Michael Welton – CounterPunch, 12.04.2020]

These days it seems that people have plenty of trouble with “religion”, but rather adore the idea of “spirituality.” It pervades the consumerist culture, and one cannot travel…

The Nuremberg Tribunal: 75 Years Later and Still the Basis for Humanity’s Survival [Matthew Ehret – Strategic Culture Foundation, 11.29.2020]

“The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant and so devastating, that Civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored because it cannot…

Humanitarian Paul Rusesabagina’s Nov 27 Hearing: Kidnapped, Illegally Detained & Tortured by Rwanda [Hotel Rwanda Rusesabagina Foundation – PRLog, 11.27.2020]

Humanitarian Paul Rusesabagina appeared before the Nyarugenge High Court on Friday, November 27 to appeal the decision to extend his detention, which was taken by the Kicukiro Local…

Authorities in Rwanda are back at it AGAIN [Claude Gatebuke – The Rwandan, 11.29.2020]

Authorities in Rwanda are back at it AGAIN. It’s been a week and a half since Mitsindo Viateur, a youth developer specializing in acrobatics, dissapeared and no one…

Joe Biden and Terrorism [Daniel Lazare – Strategic Culture Foundation, 11.28.2020]

As Joe Biden unveils his hawkish cabinet picks, it’s hard not to get the sense that we’re all hurtling back in time to those glorious days of regime…

Britain’s class war on children [John Pilger, 11.26.2020]

When I first reported on child poverty in Britain, I was struck by the faces of children I spoke to, especially the eyes. They were different: watchful, fearful….

Doctors for Assange statement [11.22.2020]

Sunday 22nd November 2020 marked 12 months since doctors from around the world wrote to the UK Home Secretary, Priti Patel, calling for an immediate end to the torture and…