
Etiqueta: Ukraine/RussiaPage 2 of 3

How the pro-Ukraine NAFO troll operation crowd-funds war criminals [Alexander Rubinstein – The Grayzone, 10.20.2022]

Celebrated in mainstream US media for its anti-Russian trolling, the Twitter operation known as NAFO was founded by a Polish antisemite to raise money for a militia that…

Former Joint Chief’s Chair tells Biden: ‘Negotiate Ukraine war end now’ [Heartland Progressive, 10.12.2022]

Sometimes top military warriors tell US war presidents the painful truth. That happened yesterday when retired admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under George…

Silencing the lambs. How propaganda works. [John Pilger, 09.08.2022]

In an address to the Trondheim World Festival in Norway, John Pilger charts the history of power propaganda and describes how it appropriates journalism in a ‘profound imperialism’…

The Death List [Scott Ritter – Consortium News, 08.31.2022]

The odious legacy of Stepan Bandera drives the suppression of those who dare challenge the narrative of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict promulgated by the Ukrainian government, its Western allies and…

An Assassin’s Bomb and the Death of the West [Christopher Black – New Eastern Outlook, 08.23.2022]

In September 2018 I wrote an essay about the brutal murder of Alexander Zakharchenko, the leader of the Donetsk Republic, by Kiev agents, backed by NATO, who was…

“These are animals, not people”: Zelensky frees convicted child rapists, torturers to reinforce depleted military [Esha Krishnaswamy – The Grayzone, 07.30.2022]

Once condemned by Ukrainian officials and imprisoned for sadistic torture and the rape of minors, leaders of the notorious Tornado Battalion are free under Volodymyr Zelensky’s orders. After…

A Truth Discovered Too Late [Eamon Mckinney – Strategic Culture Foundation, 06.30.2022]

Specific propaganda, small lies, can be identified, but there is an “ambient” propaganda that permeates every atmosphere where people exist. William Casey, the one time head of the…

Why is the United States Getting Away with Unleashing a Global Biological War? [Vladimir Platov – New Eastern Outlook, 05.14.2022]

The United States has long demonstrated to the global community its disregard for international regulations, along with its readiness to unleash a war with the use of weapons…

The Subtleties of Anti-Russia Leftist Rhetoric [Edward Curtin, 05.13.2022]

While the so-called liberal and conservative corporate mainstream media – all stenographers for the intelligence agencies – pour forth the most blatant propaganda about Russia and Ukraine that…

The Race to Break the Russia-China Alliance and the ‘Ukraine of the Asia Pacific’ [Matthew Ehret – Strategic Culture Foundation, 05.12.2022]

There is a window of opportunity open for the west to recognize the total failure of the unipolar model before the point of no return has passed. It…

Pope Francis suggests that NATO’s “barking” provoked Russia’s military op in Ukraine [Paul Antonopoulos – InfoBrics, 05.04.2022]

Pope Francis has suggested to Italian daily Corriere Della Sera that the “barking of NATO at the door of Russia” provoked the military operation in Ukraine and alluded…

Here’s What I Found at the Reported ‘Mass Grave’ Near Mariupol [Eva Karene Bartlett – Internationalist 360º, 04.28.2022]

According to recent Western media, Russian forces have buried up to 9,000 Mariupol civilians in “mass graves” in a town just west of the Ukrainian city. These reports use satellite imagery as…

Masks Off… The U.S. and European Lackeys Are Psychopathic Arsonists Fueling Ukraine Blaze [Strategic Culture Foundation, 04.23.2022]

The Western powers are pushing Russia and the world towards a catastrophic abyss. In a move that demonstrates overt war-derangement, the United States and its NATO allies this…

“One less traitor”: Zelensky oversees campaign of assassination, kidnapping and torture of political opposition [Max Blumenthal and Esha Krishnaswamy – The Grayzone, 04.17.2022]

While claiming to defend democracy, Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky has outlawed his opposition, ordered his rivals’ arrest, and presided over the disappearance and assassination of dissidents across the country….

Exclusive: Russia’s Sergey Glazyev introduces the new global financial system [Pepe Escobar – The Cradle, 04.14.2022]

The world’s new monetary system, underpinned by a digital currency, will be backed by a basket of new foreign currencies and natural resources. And it will liberate the…

Ukraine And The New Al Qaeda [Whitney Webb – The Last American Vagabond, 03.02.2022]

The eruption of war between Russia and Ukraine appears to have given the CIA the pretext to launch a long-planned insurgency in the country, one poised to spread…

Railway station bombing by ukrainian forces – USA admits fake news [Rodney Atkinson – Freenations, 04.11.2022]

It appears there was a false flag attack by Ukrainian forces on their own people at the railway station in Kramatorsk. While a BBC report shows quite clearly…

It’s Obvious Who Gains From Bucha Massacre But There’s Hardly Any Media Left To Say It [Finian Cunningham – Strategic Culture Foundation, 04.06.2022]

The Western media narrative has no competitor. The media foghorns can blare all they want without hardly a dissenting voice tolerated, let alone heard. The apparent mass murder…

New witness testimony about Mariupol maternity hospital ‘airstrike’ follows pattern of Ukrainian deceptions, media malpractice [Kit Klarenberg – The Grayzone, 04.03.2022]

A key witness to the widely publicized incident at the Mariupol maternity hospital has punctured the official narrative of a Russian airstrike on the facility, and raised serious…

Russia, Ukraine and the Law of War: War Crimes [Scott Ritter – Consortium News, 04.01.2022]

Scott Ritter, in the second and final part of this series, lays out what the law says about war crimes and how it applies to the conflict in…

Russia, Ukraine & the Law of War: Crime of Aggression – Part One [Scott Ritter – Consortium News, 03.29.2022]

Scott Ritter, in part one of a two-part series, lays out international law regarding the crime of aggression and how it relates to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “To…

Pentagon Drops Truth Bombs to Stave Off War With Russia [Joe Lauria – Consortium News, 03.23.2022]

Leaked stories from the Pentagon have exposed how mainstream media reports Russia’s conduct in the Ukraine war, in a bid to counter propaganda intended to get NATO into…

British intelligence operative’s involvement in Ukraine crisis signals false flag attacks ahead [Kit Klarenberg – The Grayzone, 03.24.2022]

Shadowy UK intel figure Hamish de Bretton-Gordon was at the forefront of chemical weapons deceptions in Syria. Now in Ukraine, he’s up to his old tricks again. With…

The danger of American bio laboratories [Batko Milacic – The Saker, 03.24.2022]

We are living in a world where stories are published without actual facts. Such stories are published in order to refute the real-world challenges. The most recent example…

Larry C. Johnson: “The Ukrainian Army Has Been Defeated. What’s Left Is Mop-Up” [Mike Whitney – The Unz Review, 03.21.2022]

Question 1– Can you explain to me why you think Russia is winning the war in Ukraine? Larry C. Johnson– Within the first 24 hours of the Russian military operation…

The Only ‘Agency’ Ukraine Has Is The Central Intelligence Kind [Caitlin Johnstone, 03.21.2022]

“You’re denying the agency of Ukrainians!” This is a line you’ve probably had bleated at you by propagandized empire livestock if you’ve engaged in online debate about the…

For Washington, War Never Ends [Diana Johnstone – Consortium News, 03.16.2022

The formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the rearmament of Germany confirmed that for the United States, the war in Europe was not entirely over….

On the Edge of a Nuclear Abyss [Edward Curtin, 03.10.2022]

Two days after Russia attacked Ukraine and the day before Vladimir Putin put Russia on nuclear alert, I wrote a little article whose first sentence was: “Not wanting to sound…

Western Silence on NATO-Backed Provocations Leading to War in Ukraine [Strategic Culture Foundation, 03.11.2022]

The silence of Western media on the causes of confrontation and the criminal involvement of their own governments is complicity in creating conditions for war. Russia provided more…

A Proposed Solution to the Ukraine War [Greg Mello – Los Alamos Study Group, 03.07.2022]

An end to the invasion and war in Ukraine can only be guaranteed if Russia’s security is itself guaranteed. Security is largely indivisible. Security for one state requires…

Putin’s Nuclear Threat [Scott Ritter – Consortium News, 02.27.2022]

The disconnect between the Western and Russian narratives in the current conflict could prove fatal to the world, writes Scott Ritter. Vladimir Putin is a madman. He’s lost…

Russia to the US: Your Aggression Stops Here [Christopher Black – New Eastern Outlook, 02.22.2022]

A lot of ink has been spilled lately on whether or not the USA and its NATO alliance promised the USSR that NATO would not expand into the…

Ukraine: Where to Find the Truth in Enormous Detail [Craig Murray, 02.20.2022]

In the massive propaganda blitz over Ukraine, there is one place where you can find, in enormous detail, the truth about what is happening in the civil war…

War in Europe and the rise of raw propaganda [John Pilger, 02.17.2022]

Marshall McLuhan’s prophecy that “the successor to politics will be propaganda” has happened.  Raw propaganda is now the rule in Western democracies, especially the US and Britain. On…

American Overlord Demands Europe Sign Suicide Note [Finian Cunningham – Strategic Culture Foundation, 02.12.2022]

The infernal danger is that Washington and London are pushing Europe and the world towards the abyss of a nuclear with Russia. The Anglo-Americans are running a modern-day…

The Old Black Magic Just Ain’t What It Used to Be [Matthew Ehret – Strategic Culture Foundation, 01.20.2022]

It is 2022 and regime change formulas don’t work, color revolutionary magic which worked for decades doesn’t work and even expanding old-school military hardware around the troublesome Eurasian…

This Is How the U.S. Does ‘Dialogue’ [Pepe Escobar – Strategic Culture Foundation, 01.13.2022]

Washington will not consider Russian proposals on no expansion of NATO, and has no intention of even discussing the idea. So much for “dialogue”.  It was the first…

Protecting the Nazis: The Extraordinary Vote of Ukraine and the USA [Craig Murray, 12.21.2021]

This is verbatim from the official report of the UN General Assembly plenary of 16 December 2021: The Assembly next took up the report on “Elimination of racism, racial discrimination,…

Biden-Putin Talk Tuesday with Xi in the Wings [Ray McGovern – Antiwar, 12.06.2021]

On May 25, 2021, when the date of June 16 was announced for the summit between Presidents Biden and Putin, it seemed a good idea to waste no time in…

As British Warships Deploy to Black Sea, Putin Warns of Red Lines [Finian Cunningham – Strategic Culture Foundation, 04.22.2021]

The British are being told that they cannot just sail their warships into the Black Sea and rattle their sabers in Russia’s face. Putin is telling the Brits…

Who Targeted Ukraine Airlines Flight 752? Iran Shot It Down But There May Be More to the Story [Philip Giraldi – American Herald Tribune, 01.15.2020]

The claim that Major General Qassem Soleimani was a “terrorist” on a mission to carry out an “imminent” attack that would kill hundreds of Americans turned out to…

Do Russiagate Promoters Prefer Impeaching Trump to Avoiding War With Russia? [Stephen F. Cohen – The Nation, 12.19.2018]

The year 2018 in the history of the new Cold War Stephen F. Cohen, professor emeritus of politics and Russian studies at Princeton and NYU, and John Batchelor…

Truth Is Evaporating Before Our Eyes – Does anyone notice? [Paul Craig Roberts, 09.24.2018]

On September 17, I posted my column, “Evidence is no longer a Western value”. I used as an example the blame that has been put on Russia for…

Religious Divisions Threaten to Further Inflame Ukrainian Civil War [Dmitry Babich – Consortium News, 08.19.2018]

Not admitting the head of the Russian Orthodox Church to Kiev is like barring the Pope from Rome, but that is just what the U.S.-backed Ukrainian government has…

Further Signs of More War: A Most Dangerous Game [Edward Curtin-Global Research, 14.03.18]

Donald Trump’s days of playing the passive/aggressive host of a reality-television game show are coming to an end.  Either he fires all the apprentices who might slightly hesitate…

A UN Force For Ukraine: Beware the Trojan Horse [Christopher Black-New Eastern Outlook, 21.09.17]

Russia has proposed that a UN “peacekeeping” force be placed in Ukraine to protect Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) representatives, who are supposed to be…

On the beach 2017. The beckoning of nuclear war. [John Pilger, 08.04.2017]

The US submarine captain says, “We’ve all got to die one day, some sooner and some later. The trouble always has been that you’re never ready, because you…

Macron’s Maneuvers on the New Cold War [Dennis J. Bernstein-Consortium News, 07.26.2017]

Official Washington’s hawks are blocking President Trump’s desired detente with Russia, but that has opened a path for France’s new President Macron to mediate the New Cold War,…

The Real Story of Zbigniew Brzezinski That the Media Isn’t Telling (Darius Shahtahmasebi-The AntiMedia, 05.27.2017)

Zbigniew Brzezinski, former national security advisor to President Jimmy Carter, died Friday at a hospital in Virginia at the age of 89. Though the New York Times acknowledged that the former…

Great Danger: US-NATO Missiles Threatening Russia (Paul Craig Roberts, 06.20.16)

If You Value Life, Wake Up! Great Danger: US-NATO Missiles Threatening Russia Putin: “We Know and they Know that we Know…People do not Understand how Dangerous the Situation…