
Categoria: Lies, media and expertsPage 2 of 3

Julian Assange has a stroke in Belmarsh prison: Fiancée blames extreme stress caused by US extradition battle [Sarah Oliver – Mail on Sunday, 12.12.2021]

Julian Assange had a stroke in Belmarsh Prison, his fiancee Stella Moris revealed  WikiLeaks publisher, 50, is being held on remand in the maximum-security jail It is believed…

Assange Loses, High Court Allows US Appeal; Sends Case Back to Lower Court [Joe Lauria – Consortium News, 12.10.2021]

The High Court allowed the U.S. appeal to reverse an order not to extradite Julian Assange and to send the case back to magistrate’s court. The High Court…

On the Heels of Austria and Germany Locking Down the Unvaccinated, EU Leader Calls for Throwing Out Nuremberg Code in Favor of Forced Vaccinating All Dissenters [Julian Conradson – Gateway Pundit, 12.03.2021]

On Wednesday, Ursula Von Der Leyen – the chief of the European Union (EU) Commission – told the press that she would like to see the long-standing Nuremberg Code ignored completely in favor of allowing…

Ineptly, YouTube Tries to Pick Up Where Dr. Goebbels Left Off [Stephen Karganovic – Strategic Culture Foundation, 11.27.2021]

By what right does a private corporation presume to dictate to its users what they may or may not think or post? Gleichschaltung is a German word with a…

Ventura County Nurses Blow the Whistle on Crisis in Local Health Care [Joel Kilpatrick – The Conejo Guardian, 10.21.2021]

Ventura County nurses from differ­ent sectors and specialties are coming forward to blow the whistle on what they deem serious lapses in local health care practices, mostly related…

Justice for Julian Assange is Justice for All [John Pilger, 11.01.2021]

Following the final High Court hearing to decide whether or not Julian Assange is to be extradited to the United States – for the ‘crime’ of revealing a…

Humanity Is Sleepwalking Towards Medical Apartheid – We Need an Honest Debate Before It’s Too Late [Robert Bridge – Strategic Culture Foundation, 10.28.2021]

The tragic state of affairs, justified by a disease with a better than 99 percent survival rate, cannot continue indefinitely. Even as scientific studies show that vaccines alone…

‘CIA Tried to Kill Assange;’ US: ‘He’s Only Moderately Depressed & Won’t Go to Isolation’ [Joe Lauria – Consortium News, 10.28.2021]

The two-day U.S. appeal against the denial of extradition of Julian Assange has ended in London with the U.S. promising humane prison conditions and Assange’s lawyers saying the…

‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ [Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – LewRockwell, 08.23.2021]

Today, Dr. Anthony Fauci is a household hero to half of America. Drug companies, government officials and the pharma-funded corporate media invoke his name to justify lockdowns, masks…

A Day in the Death of British Justice [John Pilger – Consortium News, 08.12.2021]

The reputation of British justice now rests on the shoulders of the High Court in the life or death case of Julian Assange I sat in Court 4 in…

Craig Murray’s jailing is the latest move in a battle to snuff out independent journalism [Jonathan Cook, 07.30.2021]

Craig Murray, a former ambassador to Uzbekistan, the father of a newborn child, a man in very poor health and one who has no prior convictions, will have…

Vaccinated People May Play Key Role in Aiding Evolution of More Dangerous COVID Variants, Study Says [Megan Redshaw – The Defender, 08.02.2021]

According to research published last week in Scientific Reports, the highest risk for establishing a vaccine-resistant virus strain occurs when a large fraction of the population has already…

Going Dark [Craig Murray, 07.30.2021]

This blog will be going dark for a few months. The Queen kindly paid for my dinners for over twenty years while I was a British diplomat and…

Majority of US Physicians Decline COVID Shots, According to Survey [Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, 06.16.2021]

Of the 700 physicians responding to an internet survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), nearly 60 percent said they were not “fully vaccinated” against COVID. This contrasts…

mRNA Vaccine Inventor Erased from History Books [Joseph Mercola, 07.06.2021]

June 11, 2021, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert Malone, spoke out on the DarkHorse podcast about the potential dangers of COVID-19 gene therapy injections….

FBI Fabrication Against Assange Falls Apart [Craig Murray, 06.29.2021]

On the final day of the Assange extradition hearing, magistrate Vanessa Baraitser refused to accept an affidavit from Assange’s solicitor Gareth Peirce, on the grounds it was out…

CHD Calls on FDA to Immediately Take COVID Vaccines Off the Market [Children’s Health Defense Team, 05.20.2021]

Children’s Health Defense and Millions Against Medical Mandates invite parents, healthcare practitioners, military members and others to comment on their petition calling on the U.S. Food and Drug…

Doctors and Scientists Write to the European Medicines Agency, Warning of COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers for a Third Time [Doctors for Covid Ethics, 04.25.2021]

Ahead of European Green Certificate (vaccine passport) vote in the European Parliament on April 28, the experts warn that cardinal symptoms of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) dominate…

Green Pass: Letter of Children’s Health Defense to the European Parliament. TAKE ACTION [Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Children’s Health Defense, 03.22.2021]

Dear Member of the European Parliament, Re: Green Pass Requires Debate, Not Emergency Adoption, COM 2021 130 We write to oppose the Parliament’s adoption of the “Green Pass”…

Rebuttal letter to European Medicines Agency on the risks of Covid-19 vaccines [Doctors for Covid Ethics, 04.01.2021]

From Doctors for Covid Ethics Emer Cooke, Executive Director, European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Ladies and Gentlemen, For the urgent personal attention of: Emer Cooke, Executive Director…

Confessions of a Deprogrammed Trump Supporter [Matthew Ehret – Strategic Culture Foundation, 01.22.2021]

As many people are aware, CNN recently aired a wonderful interview by former Moonie-turned-cult-deprogrammer Steve Hassan giving advice to Americans wishing to deprogram their MAGA-hat wearing loved ones,…

9/11 Was the Prelude. 1/6 Is the Holy Grail [Pepe Escobar – Strategic Culture Foundation, 01.13.2021]

Whether civil war is coming will depend on the degree of stoicism prevalent among the Deplorable multitudes. I hear the sons of the city and dispossessed Get down,…

For Martin Luther King Day: Let Us End His “Second Assassination” [Matthew Ehret – Global Research, 01.11.2021]

Martin Luther King Jr. day has been celebrated every January 18 since it was a made a national holiday through the tireless efforts of Martin’s widow Coretta in…

Both Tortuous and Torturous [Craig Murray, 01.06.2021]

Magistrate Vanessa Baraitser walked into Westminster Magistrates Court No.1 at 10.12am this morning with the sunniest smile and most carefree disposition I have ever seen her adopt. Her…

Julian Assange: Imminent Freedom [Craig Murray, 01.05.2021]

It has been a long and tiring day, with the startlingly unexpected decision to block Julian’s extradition. The judgement is in fact very concerning, in that it accepted…

Why we must save Julian Assange and WikiLeaks [Stefania Maurizi – Consortium News, 12.31.2020]

The following is a speech delivered by Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi to the Chaos Computer Club Congress on Tuesday Thank you to the Chaos Computer Club for this…

Barack Obama And the Death of Idealism [James Bovard – The American Conservative, 12.03.2020]

Obama’s deception and warmongering killed the “hope and change” he promised on the campaign trail. We shouldn’t be sad to see them go. Americans are sickened of an…

Doctors for Assange statement [11.22.2020]

Sunday 22nd November 2020 marked 12 months since doctors from around the world wrote to the UK Home Secretary, Priti Patel, calling for an immediate end to the torture and…

Hammer and Scorecard: Big Tech’s Drive to End Democracy [Matthew Ehret – Strategic Culture Foundation, 11.13.2020]

On the evening of November 5, the President of the United States delivered remarks from the White House relaying the evidence of a massive vote fraud conducted by…

Banana Republic USA [Stephen Lendman, 11.09.2020]

Time and again throughout US history since the early 19th century, elections were stolen, not won — at the federal, state, and local levels. My own city of…

Establishment Media Find New Ways to Embarrass Themselves [Stephen Lendman, 06.11.2020]

US media coverage of Trump v. Hillary in 2016 was the most one-sided, distorted and shameful in memory — to that time. Trump v. Biden coverage exceeded its…

Thailand is Next Battleground for Washington’s War with China [Tony Cartalucci – Land Destroyer Report, 10.20.2020]

US uses Asian youth to create regional anti-Chinese front aimed at isolating Beijing and crippling Asia’s economic rise.  Western media admits regional protests are now targeting China Protests…

Where Is My Final Assange Report? [Craig Murray, 10.09.2020]

Numerous people have contacted me in various ways to ask where is my promised report on the final day of the Assange hearing, to complete the account? It…

Eyewitness to the trial and agony of Julian Assange [John Pilger – Arena, 10.02.2020]

John Pilger has watched Julian Assange’s extradition trial from the public gallery at London’s Old Bailey. He spoke with Timothy Erik Ström of Arena magazine, Australia: Q: Having…

Julian Assange trial: the mask of Empire has fallen [Pepe Escobar – Asia Times, 09.18.2020]

The concept of “History in the making” has been pushed to extremes when it comes to the extraordinary public service being performed by historian, former UK diplomat and…

Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 11 [Craig Murray, 09.17.2020]

Yet another shocking example of abuse of court procedure unfolded on Wednesday. James Lewis QC for the prosecution had been permitted gratuitously to read to two previous witnesses…

The Stalinist Trial Of Julian Assange. Whose Side Are You On? [John Pilger, 09.07.2020]

When I first met Julian Assange more than ten years ago, I asked him why he had started WikiLeaks. He replied: “Transparency and accountability are moral issues that…

For years, journalists cheered Assange’s abuse. Now they’ve paved his path to a US gulag [Jonathan Cook, 09.02.2020]

Court hearings in Britain over the US administration’s extradition case against Julian Assange begin in earnest next week. The decade-long saga that brought us to this point should…

Novichok, Navalny, Nordstream, Nonsense [Craig Murray, 09.03.2020]

Once Navalny was in Berlin it was only a matter of time before it was declared that he was poisoned with Novichok. The Russophobes are delighted. This of course…

Hydroxychloroquine: An Effective COVID Treatment the Media Continues to Tag as “A Dangerous Drug” [Steven Hatfill – RealClearPolitics, 08.04.2020]

On Friday, July 31, in a column ostensibly dealing with health care “misinformation,” Washington Post media critic Margaret Sullivan opened by lambasting “fringe doctors spouting dangerous falsehoods about…

Bob Dylan’s Explosive Song “Murder Most Foul”, History of the JFK Assassination and “The Interview” [Edward Curtin – Global Research, 06.15.2020]

Imagine this: A so-called presidential historian for a major television network publishes an interview in the most famous newspaper in the world with the most famous singer/songwriter in…

Please Sign the Open Letter [Craig Murray, 06.01.2020]

I should be grateful if you would join Noam Chomsky, Yanis Varoufakis, David Hare, Roger Waters, Robert Black, Kristinn Hrnafsson, Christine Assange and many others in signing the…

Dissident British ex-diplomat Craig Murray indicted for blog posts in Kafkaesque case [Ben Norton – The Grayzone, 04.27.2020]

Craig Murray, a former UK diplomat turned anti-war activist, has been charged with contempt of court for writing blog posts. He faces a possible two years in jail,…

Assange extradition: Espionage is the Charge, But He’s Really Accused of Sedition [Joe Lauria – Consortium News, 04.26.2020]

The U.S. is trying to extradite Julian Assange to stand trial for espionage, but even though sedition is no longer on the books, that’s what the U.S. is…

What Did U.S. Intel Really Know About the ‘Chinese’ Virus? [Pepe Escobar – Strategic Culture Foundation, 04.21.2020]

Hybrid War 2.0 on China, a bipartisan U.S. operation, is already reaching fever pitch. Its 24/7 full spectrum infowar arm blames China for everything coronavirus-related – doubling as…

Assange Bail Application Today [Craig Murray, 03.25.2020]

Unfortunately I am in lockdown at home in Edinburgh and cannot get down to Westminster Magistrates Court for Julian Assange’s urgent bail application today. Several hearings ago, Magistrate…

Julian Assange must be freed, not betrayed [John Pilger, 02.18.2020]

On Saturday, there will be a march from Australia House in London to Parliament Square, the centre of British democracy. People will carry pictures of the Australian publisher…

Leftist Neo-McCarthyite Witchhunters Hypocritically Mourn the Death of Kirk Douglas [Matthew Ehret – Strategic Culture Foundation, 02.09.2020]

Hollywood film legend Kirk Douglas’ passing on February 5th at the age of 103 has resulted in a sickening level of hypocrisy from the leftist mainstream media outlets. These…

As Coronavirus Spreads So Does Anti-Chinese Racism [Alan Macleod – MintPress News, 01.31.2020]

Similar to how Ebola was racialized as a distinctly African illness, news of the coronavirus has led to an outbreak of anti-Chinese sentiment across the West. Facing the…

Media, Human Rights Groups Silent Over Politically-Motivated Murder of Journalist in Bolivia [Alan Macleod – MintPress News, 12.20.2019]

Sebastian Moro’s last known words before he was found were denouncing the kidnappings of government officials and mob attacks on journalists and media outlets. Argentinian journalist Sebastian Moro…