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President Paul Kagame is indeed a war criminal. He committed some of his crimes under the disguise of Interahamwe (2nd Lt. Aloys Ruyenzi, 01.18.2005)

Recently, press reports, quoting prominent experts of the Great Lakes region, raised again the issue of impunity of president Kagame, with regard to the war crimes that he…

Major General Paul Kagame behind the shooting down of late Habyarimana’s plane: an eye witness testimony (2nd Lt Aloys Ruyenzi, 07.05.2004)

I have been keenly following talks on allegations of crimes committed by Paul Kagame, leader of Rwanda, and his attempts, against all odds, to deny them. I deem…

The usurpation of the term “genocide” (Serge Desouter, april 2002)

Introduction Genocide is a legal term defined under international law. In the case of Rwanda – but not only there – this term has come to have a…

Witnesses to non-violence in the religions of the world (Joan Carrero, 01.01.2002)

The title proposed by the editors of this magazine for the present article expresses very well the essence of what I plan to say. It allows me to…

America’s covert operations in the Great Lakes Region (Wayne Madsen, august 2001)

Wayne Madsen is an Investigative Journalist On: ‘Suffering and Despair: Humanitarian Crisis in the Congo’. Below is prepared testimony and statement presented before the Subcommittee on International Operations…

Interview with Juan Carrero, Candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize (Caravan, Juin 2001)

When I was very young, there were two concerns of mine, which I lived very intensively: first was the suffering of the poor, together with an internal rebellion…

Genocide in the Congo: in the name of Bill Clinton, and of the Paris Club, and of the Mining Conglomerates, So It Is! (Yaa-Lengi Ngemi, 11.09.2000)

Genocide in the Congo/Zaire exposes incredible and horrific atrocities taking place in the heart of Africa, in the Congo/Zaire, a country that is as big as all of…

Bruguière corners the Rwandan President (Pierre Péan-Christophe Nick-Xavier Muntz/Le Vrai Papier Journal, October 2000)

Pierre Péan has rediscovered the footprints of the perpetrators of the attack that unleashed the genocide of the Rwandan Tutsis. Judge Bruguière too! It was not those it…

U.S. Policy Debacle Brings Death to Millions in the Congo (Linda de Hoyos-Executive Intelligence Review, 06.29.2000)

For the third time in a year, hostilities broke out again in the city of Kisangani in the Democratic Republic of the Congo between the armed forces of…

The worldwide yearning for human dignity is the central challenge inherent in the phenomenon of global political awakening (Zbigniew Brzezinski)

For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive… The resulting global political activism is generating a surge…

This way of proceeding is nothing other than waging war by other means (Ramsey Clark)

The United States has instigated the creation of a tribunal against its enemies in Rwanda. This way of proceeding is nothing other than waging war by other means….

Rwandan proverb

Ukuri guca mu ziko ntigushya = The truth goes through fire but never burns

Memorandum on the 1994 Assassination of Juvenal Habyarimana, President of the Republic of Rwanda (Félicien Kanyamibwa-OPJDR, December 1999)

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.- Introduction 2.- History 3.- Climate – Spring 1994 3.1 Burundi Uganda Invasion of Rwanda 3.3 Assassinations in Rwanda The Arusha Accord Warning Signs The…

The geopolitical stakes of the international mining companies in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Pierre Baracyetse/SOS Rwanda-Burundi, December 1999)

Translated from the french by Alexandre LOUDIEBO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Albert Caquot once said: “Our thirst for knowledge finds itself quenched, above all, in those synthetic works, which are put…

A letter from Congresswoman McKinney to American President Clinton (Cynthia McKinney, 08.31.1999)

Honorable William Jefferson Clinton 
President, United States of America 
The White House 
Washington, DC 20515 Mr. President: I have just returned from the Democratic Republic of Congo, meeting…

Nomination of Juan Carrero for the Nobel Peace Prize (Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, 04.29.1999)

THE CAUSE 1) The African continent, surely like no other, is the great forgotten one, forgotten by all those progressive forces of the international community that are trying…

Speech from Juan Carrero upon receiving “The Courage of Conscience” (02.02.1999)

Juan Carrero Saralegui received the “Courage of Conscience” award. He is the first Spaniard granted with this award. On tuesday the 2nd of February 1999, at 11 AM…

Intelligence Rice caught in Iran-Contra-style capers in Africa (Executive Intelligence Review, 11.20.1998)

An EIR team probing the causes behind the genocidal wars that have been ravaging East and Central Africa over the last four years, has uncovered a covert arms…

Tutsi invasion of Congo (Remigius Kintu-Uganda Democratic Coalition, September 1998)

Tutsi forces from Rwanda and Uganda, supported by the U.S.A., invaded Zaire, now Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), in August of 1998 to overthrow President Kabila whom they…

Retrospective view on the attack against de rwandan refugees in the east of Zaire: who are these attackers, really? (A group of Rwandan refugees, 05.20.1997)

One again, the survivors of Tingi-Tingi demonstrate it 1. INTRODUCTION The war in the East Zaire, before being a conquering war, has been since the beginning an attack…

Passion and death of the Hutu refugees (Joan Carrero, 04.22.1997)

Ever since United States diplomacy decided to boycott the internacional operation, agreed upon with such difficulty, to assist the hundreds of thousands of Hutu refugees in Zaire, many…

Terror incognito: the U.S. conspiracy behind Museveni’s wars (Remigius Kintu-Uganda Democratic Coalition, 04.19.1997)

To the Maryland Peace & Justice Annual Conference 04.19.1997 Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a great honor to be asked to address a large audience of…

Goma/Bukavu, direct eye witness (February 09, 1997)

SUMMARY OF TESTIMONY 1. The majority of Rwandan refugees did not go back to Rwanda: 450,000 at most returned back to their homeland, compared to 1,103,000 Rwandan refugees….

Appeal to the Ministers Council of the European Union (13 Nobel Prize Winners and European Parliamentary Groups, 01.29.1997)

The undersigned Nobel Prize Laureates, in addition to the support previously given by European Parliamentary groups, express their solidarity for the actions undertaken by the two hunger strikers…

Letter to President Bill Clinton (11 Nobel Prize winners and the Political Groups of the European Parliament, 29.01.1997)

The Honorable Mr. Bill Clinton President of the United States of America Mr. President Weeks and months pass, and thousands of human beings continue to die in Zaire,…

Support for the march Assisi-Geneva for peace in the African Great Lakes (11.30.1996)

In profound concern for the tragedy that continues to affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of African brothers and sisters, we have sent an urgent appeal to…

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: Justice betrayed (John Philpot, october 1995)

On November 8, 1994, the Security Council of the United Nations adopted Resolution 955 creating an ad hoc international criminal tribunal to judge individuals responsible for violations of…

Speech of the President of Burundi, Melchior Ndadaye, in the 48th UN General Assembly on 4 October 1993

The survival of democracy in our continent is linked to the establishment of a right balance in international economic relations. The security and stability, which are essential to…

Rockefeller & Brzezinski

The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. David Rockefeller in the Bilderberger meeting of…

Rockefeller & Rotschild

We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order David Rockefeller…

The world is not based upon the strength of weapons of war, but on the strength of truth and love (Mahatma Gandhi)

“I feel myself a brother of all beings, and to be happy, I need to see the smallest of all beings happy. My life is a continuous work,…

Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God (Revelation 12:10)

Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,…

Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won (Mahatma Gandhi)

Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem…

They (the international bankers) can even afford themselves the luxury of financing a “controlled left-wing” (Che Guevara)

They (the international bankers) can even afford themselves the luxury of financing a “controlled left-wing” that in no way either critiques or attacks the heart of the System:…

The truth will set you free (John 8:32)

In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me. (John 18:37)…